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I pace the bedroom, wearing the carpet thin. My arms are crossed however one of my hands is at my mouth as I bite my nails. An old habit that I can finally do now that my acrylics are off.

My head is pounding from the intense headache that has overtaken my brain. The conversation from just hours ago replays over in my head. Again and again.

The Mystic Fall's crew are still downstairs, however I refuse to go back down there. I hear the door open and I turn quickly to see Kol standing there.

"Hey darling"

I just send him a small smile, making him release a sigh before walking over to me slowly.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he stands right in front of me.

I just shake my head lightly as tears pool my eyes yet again.

He places his hands on either side of my face, lifting my eyes to meet his own.

"What are we going to do Kol?"

"Look darling, I have no idea what we are going to do. But I know that I love you, so, so much and no matter what happens with our family you and me are going to be okay."

He speaks quietly as he looks my directly into my eyes, as if he is trying to send an unspoken message to me.

I wrap my arms around his neck tightly as his own arms wrap around my waist, pulling me even closer if possible.

I let out a deep sigh and relax my muscles as I begin to feel sick, Kol notices my discomfort and lifts me up placing on our bed before walking back to our bathroom as I hear the tap running.

I close my eyes for what feels like a minute before I am lifted again and my feet hit the cold, tiled floor of the bathroom.

"Get into the bath and then we can talk okay?" states Kol before placing a kiss on my forehead as he walks back out again,

I strip of of clothes and step into the bath, filled with red bubbles. My body instantly relaxes as I lay down and rest my head on the edge of the bath.

"So darling, what do you think that we should do?" I look to see Kol re enter the room with a pillow in hand as he kneels next to the bath, rolls up his sleeves and lifts one of my legs from the bath; my tanned leg covered in red foam.

"I have no idea Kol"

We sit in silence for a few moments before Kol speaks up again,

"We have always wanted a child, no?", I simply nod my head in reply

"well why don't we give this plan of theirs a shot and then if it works, we may have a gorgeous baby with us, but if it doesn't then we continue on with life and we may even be able to look at alternatives okay darling?"

I nod my head before my eyes start to tear up,

"I'm sorry" I say quietly

"Why on earth are you sorry?" Asks Kol as he look directly at me with concern overflowing his eyes

"If had been more careful then maybe we could have already had our child, maybe we could have had more than one. But every time we were close, my emotions took over and I jus-" I ramble before Kol cuts me off

"You stop that right now okay? Do not blame yourself for the past issues we have had. It was tough times and the chances in those days were considerably low anyway, let alone with the amount of trauma and stress that you had on your shoulders,"

He grabs my face between his hands gently while making me make eye contact with him,

"We are strong and we are going to be okay, be brave"

I nod before we melt into a peaceful silence.


I lay shaking while in Kol's embrace as my eyesight begins to fade,

"it worked" I hear Bonnie mutter,

"You did it darling, sleep" Kol whispers into my ear before finally I descend into a peaceful faint slumber with the image of a small child in my mind.


"The best thing in life to hold onto is each other"


Sorry all for the late update but please, enjoy :) x

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now