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*7 years later*

"Mason be careful with Theo!" I yell as the three play together in the backyard. I shake my head and laugh as they scream and run around. I look behind me to see Kol making dinner. He had become a house husband through and through. A month after Ava's first birthday, we discovered that I was pregnant again. Turns out the spell was a long term fertility spell and lasted around 10 years so we began to make our dream family. Ava was now 7 years old and was just stunning, she was so curious and clever. Mason is 5 and half as he would proudly tell you himself. He is already just like his dad. Proud and stubborn, I can't wait to watch him grow up. Finally, we had baby Theo. He is now 1 and a few months and he is the perfect combination of both me and Kol. 

After we found out that we would be a family of two girls and three boys, Kol was very excited. He loved Ava so so much but I think he was pretty excited for the boys to be older and have some ruff and tumble with them both. They were both very loud so having them outside worked for me. Ava kept more to herself. She loved to help me do some baking in the kitchen for them and I was teaching her how to do various arts and crafts from my many years of living. She had taken a particular liking to dress making which was amazing to watch.

At around me being 6 months pregnant with Mason, Kol and I decided it was best for us to move into a family home. Although the Mikaelson house in New Orleans and Mystic Falls were stunning, I was always left with some anxiety and uncertainty with the amount of danger that those other Mikaelsons get into. We moved into the country. It was a large home with 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 3 living rooms and a large kitchen. The best part about it was the massive piece of land it was on. Kol had build a large playground and put up a basketball hoop for the kids to play with which keeps them happy almost all day. In the summer time we use the pool but as it was Autumn I still didn't want them to get sick in the cold water. We were living our perfect lives. 

Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah kept in touch. We saw then quite often but lately we have not seen them as much as I would like. It had been about 7 months and the kids had changed so much. They hadn't even met Theo. Tonight, Klaus and Elijah needed help with a spell so they thought there would be nothing better than having everyone stay here. We have enough rooms for everyone to share and thought that Hope could sleep in Ava's room for them to catch up. Once they were asleep then we could really have some adult chats and I could help them. It was the first time they were all coming to the house so I think Kol was a bit nervous but I had to remind him the amazing life that he had created and that if anything they may be jealous of the calm of our lives.

"Right, burger patties are made. Once the kids are hungry I will put them on the barbeque" States Kol as I puts a place of meet and chopped vegetables in the fridge.

"Thank you, that was a big help" I say as he comes up behind me and gives me a hug and watches the kids as well.

"You are most welcome darling"

The light from the sky was slowly fading before a buzz sound came over the house. That was the gate monitor they were finally here.



"mummy where are we going?" Asks Hope, I turn around to face her in the backseat. 

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