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It all had started when our teacher came in and said he had a sad message for all of us.
He then told us about an accident that had happened and how one of my classmates was involved.

I honestly didn't think the message was very sad at first. He didn't die, and all that happened was that the biggest asshole of the school wouldn't be there for a few weeks.

Didn't sound too bad in that moment.

I angrily kick away a stone while I keep walking.

But right now I am completely pissed about it. Of course I am the idiot who has to bring him his stupid homework. Just because I live close to both the hospital and Reece's house.

Why me? Reece hates me and I hate him. He isn't directly bullying me, but he's not very nice either. He's just... a jerk.

I hate myself for having kind of good grades, for living close to everything and for just existing.
It would be the absolute hell.

Starting from today on.

I sigh and cross the road. The teacher told me the first day I should go to the hospital would be tomorrow, so I had one more chill day.

"George!!", someone yells and I turn around.

"Hi Blake", I greet the greek boy with surprise. "How come you're here? I thought you had your french class now."

"I went there but then someone came and told us Mr. Baker was sick so we could leave. I called you a few times while walking up to you so you'd wait but you just didn't hear me!!", he pouts.

"Sorry", I mumble. "I'm just thinking about how my life is turning into hell."

"Why would that happen? Right now, Blake Richardson is walking with you, you should be the happiest human on earth." He poses stupidly for a second before bursting out in laughter.

"You're such a loser", I shake my head at him. "No actually. The teacher's given me a task and I hate it."

"An extra task? That's nothing, I once had detention for a month, remember?"

"Of course I remember, you were constantly pissed cause you had to walk home alone. But it's not even a punishment. Did you hear about the accident yesterday?", I ask him.

"Sure, Bibby was in the car that was hit. He's in hospital, but I don't get why you changed the topic to this." Blake frowns.

I sigh again. "I have to bring him the homework and I have to tutor him for a bit while he's at home."

"You're fucking kidding", Blake swears and gives me an unbelieving look.

"I'm not", I answer. "Of course it's me who has to do that."

"Do you at least get something for this? You're going to that asshole who hates you, this better not be for free."

"Do you really think I'd get something for that? The only thing is that I won't have to do my stuff during that time cause I need the time for teaching him." I roll my eyes. "I still won't have any free time. Goodbye life."

"Also goodbye to it cause he definitely won't be nice. I feel bad for you, mate."

I shrug. "It'll just be a month."

"Why didn't the teacher tell some of his friends to do it?", Blake asks.

"He doesn't have too many even though he's the popular asshole. One of them is in your class so she won't be able to teach him and Mike is stupid as fuck, he can't teach anyone."

Blake just laughs. "That's true."

For a while we just walk until Blake has to take a different road than me.

"Bye!", he calls out. "See ya tomorrow."

"Yes, bye!", I yell back and then I walk the last bit to m house. My parents aren't home so I just lay down on the sofa and start playing games on my phone until my mum comes home and starts cooking.


When I wake up the next day, I don't want to get out of bed. I got school until 3 pm and after that I have to go to the hospital.

I literally have no motivation when I get up and get dressed. I just throw on some clothes and run downstairs because I'm late after procrastinating getting up for too long.

"Bye Mum", I call out when I'm almost out of the house already.

"Have a good day", she says back and then I close the door.

I start running until I'm at the street where me and Blake meet in the mornings to walk together. He's standing there already, something that barely ever happens.

"You're late", he complains.

"Good morning to you too", I mumble and I keep walking fast. "You can guess how badly I wanted to get up for this beautiful day", I add sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"God, if you're like this for the next month I'll just look for someone else to walk with."

"Sorry", I mumble. "I'm just scared how it'll be, he's probably going to be the biggest asshole ever."

"If he's mean just run away, I mean he can't follow you?", Blake suggests and I break out in uncontrollable laughter.

"I hate you", I bring out of breath. "I mean it's true but you're such an idiot."

We keep chatting and he tells me about some girl he's texting for a few days and I just awkwardly try to act interested.

I'm relieved when we reach our school and he has to go to a different room than me.

"Bye, have fun later", he wishes me with the biggest smile and I roll my eyes and try to hold back the urge to hit him.

"Thanks", I give back as nice as I can before actually walking away.

Most of my classmates are there already when I come to the room and sit down at my place. The boys sitting next to me are discussing a football match from the weekend and I listen to them a bit while I try not to fall asleep until the teacher comes into the room and starts the lesson.

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