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It's Sunday, shortly before noon when Anson shows up at my house. I'm dressed casually, but still special enough for a date. He winks at me when I walk up to him and his car.

"What a honour to take someone like you out", he says.

I just laugh, not knowing how to act in a situation like this.

We talk while we're driving to wherever he's taking me. After a while he stops the car. "I hope it's okay if we don't start all that fancy."

"Of course! Even better if it's chill", I answer.

"Okay then." We get out and I follow him to a house. "We can just cook something for us and then watch a movie, if you want."

And that's what we do - we make pizza, or better, we try to. The whole kitchen is a mess when it's finally in the oven, but we're still having fun. We choose a movie in the meantime. It's one neither of us knows, but it sounded relatively nice.

However, it turns out as the most boring movie ever. Anson finishes eating quicker, and mutes it. He starts talking instead of the character, and it's even better. He makes me laugh so hard that I can barely finish my last piece of pizza, but when I do, we start a whole fake conversation between the characters on the screen. It's fun, and we actually break down in laughter every other minute. After the end, we just sit there for a moment, still laughing.

"Hey, what about a walk?", Anson then asks. "I feel like moving now."

"Alright", I agree.

We just walk down in the direction of the city centre. We look at the shop windows, and talk. After a while he grabs my hand and we walk like that.

We're just buying ourselves ice cream when I suddenly spot someone in the crowd that I would have preferred not to see. Anson's still paying. I slowly start panicking. I don't want him to see me out with Anson. I poke his arm.

"Yeah?", he turns around slightly. "I'm still waiting for my change." He frowns when he sees my facial expression. "What's up?"


"Oh", he interrupts me. "I can see him. What was his name again?"

Of course he walked by exactly when Anson looked around. It had to happen.

"Reece", I hiss. "Can we please get going?", I mumble as he finally gets his change.

I start walking off.

"George!!", Anson yells after me.

I turn around to see him a few metres behind. Why'd he yell? I groam before I quickly look over the crowd, seeing Reece not that far away. He looks around too. I look back to Anson when he seems to look in my direction.

"Don't look too surprised", is what Anson whispers when he grabs my free hand. Just when I wonder why, he suddenly leans in and kisses me. I click and kiss back.

When we part I wish it would've been a magical moment for me, realising I didn't need Reece, realising what Anson makes me feel. But it wasn't. We could have as well done nothing.

"Let's go", Anson says and pulls me with him. "I know that not everyone likes kisses on their first date, but I guess it was less like that but more like a favour for you."

"Yeah, I guess", I mumble, still in thoughts. Reece must've seen us. If only he'd become jealous.

It takes a while until the conversation is flowing again. I can't get Reece out of my head, and I feel bad for Anson.

When we're back at his house he offers to drive me back home. I gladly take it.

When we're standing in front of my house, I turn back to him. "Thank you, I had a lot of fun." I smile.

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