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"You seem in a surprisingly good mood", Blake greets me the next morning.

"I kind of am", I admit.

"How did that happen?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Sometimes I'm just in a good mood."

"Usually not", Blake says.

"Why do you care about it that much?", I ask while kicking a stone.

"My best friend seems happy for once, am I not allowed to ask about it?", he shrugs. "Who knows maybe something good happened."

"Not to me", I laugh.

"On another note, the asshole texted me yesterday to ask for your number."

"Oh", I make. "Right, it'd be a good idea if he could text me. I never thought of it."

Blake looks at me and frowns. "Nothing can ruin your mood today, huh?"

"Well school will."

"But Reece Bibby won't?"

I bite my lip when I realize what Blake is trying to say.

"I mentioned him and you just went with it like it wasn't him."

I still don't know what to say so I shrug.

"So doing him wasn't too bad hm?"

"I hate you!", I call out and hit him.

"Ouch", he makes.

"I don't know why you still make fun of it but I didn't mean it like... Argh, I hate you."

"You're so awkward", Blake laughs at me. "It's actually funny."

"I'm sorry that I'm not a fan of you saying I'd do Reece Bibby."

"Oh, you're in general always awkward when someone makes a dirty joke."

I opene my mouth to reply but I don't.

He is right.

"You need to be more chill", Blake says.

If it was that easy.

I sigh. Sometimes I just want to tell him about everything. But I was too scared and with each day passing it got harder.

"George did you fall asleep while walking?"

"No", I shake my head. "Am I not allowed to think about something?"

"About what?"

I want to scream.

"Nothing important for you", I block.

"About doing Bibby?"

"This is why you don't have friends."

"I got you", he says and grins.

I shake my head. "Not anymore. This friendship is ended."

"Aw, come on George", he pouts. "You don't have friends except me either."

"I'll find someone else to hang out with."

"Pah, you won't find anyone."

"Watch me!", I say and I can't hold back a laugh any longer.

Blake grins. "But for real, don't ever leave me for someone else. I need my weird best friend."

"You really think that could happen? You're the more sociable one out of us two. And we have been friends for like half our lives."

"Yeah maybe I'm more sociable but that doesn't mean I have other real friends."

"Oof this is too much for this morning."

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