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A few days pass by and nothing special happens. I go to Reece's after school and we do maths and sometimes I explain him some other stuff.

It's actually fun sometimes and it works better than I thought it would. He's an asshole but I can deal with it.

Well, his dirty jokes aren't easy to deal with, they annoy me but he annoys me in general so it's okay.

Right now I'm sitting on the ground next to bed because the chair broke the day before. Reece and me don't have any motivation to do school stuff so we just talk about anything else.

We've found out we watch the same shows so we talk about those.

Suddenly the door opens and I watch Reece's face lighten up when a little girl comes in. She has to be his sister, he has mentioned her once or twice.

"Lex!", he calls out. "You're back."

"Yep", she says and smiles. "It was awesome." She then sees me on the floor and frowns.

"Hello, I'm Lexi and you are?", she says with another big smile.

"George", I say and smile back.

"Reece never has friends over so who are you?", she says and I can't help but grin when Reece groans.

Thanks for the info, Lexi.

"I'm bringing him the homework and stuff he misses in school", I explain.

"Oh poor you, he's stupid."

I can't hold back a laugh now. Reece shoots me an annoyed look.

"That's enough Lexi", he says. "I'm the poor one here."

"Pah, you won't stop me."

"You're too cheeky for a nice little lady", Reece shakes his head.

Lexi just shrugs. "The sass is within me."

"Not really. But you need learn to control it", Reece says and I suddenly notice the same soft tone in his voice.

He has to love his mum and his sister a lot.

"You don't have yourself under control either", Lexi says in the meantime and Reece groans frustrated.

"Lexi's right", I say and shrug.

Reece pouts. "You two are mean."

I grin at Lexi and she grins back.
His sister is definitely cooler than he is.

"Aw, don't be sad, Reece", Lexi comes closer and sits down at the edge of the bed. "Be happy that I'm back safely."

"Yeah, right. So how was your school trip?"

"Awesome, as I said before. But I'll tell you later, you have to do your school stuff. Bye George", she says while she jumps up and leaves the room.

For a moment neither one of us says something.

"The sass is within me", I repeat while laughing. "She's definitely your sister."

"She's definitely part of the Bibby family, that's true", Reece says and joins my laughter.

For a moment I don't even realize but then I stop.

"You're able to laugh again!"

Reece just laughs more. "Technically, I could have laughed before as well but it hurt but yeah, I'm able to. That means at least my rips are getting better."

"So is your leg, it just takes longer", I say.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't have the patience. It'll take so long until I can do proper sports again even though I'll walk again soon." He sighs. "It's fucking annoying. And all this just cause some idiot hit my car and I...", he stops. "Well, I got stuck. Eh, change of topic would be appreciated."

"Sure", I say. "If I knew something to talk about."

He laughs again. "I always know something to talk about but you surely wouldn't like it."

"Oh my god", I let out a sigh.

He laughs louder. "I didn't even think of that but okay Smith."

"It's because I'm used to you meaning things like this. But what would be that secret topic?"

"Oh, it's not the right time for this. If you'll ever get to know at all", he says. "I haven't even told my friends in school."

"That you never brought home."

"Urgh, I have to tell Lexi she can be as savage as she want but she can't say stuff like this anymore."

"I think it's interesting, I know barely anything about you except that you're an asshole making dirty jokes who's bad at math."

"I know even less about you!"

"Too bad I don't have a little sister who could tell you."

Reece sighs.

"I don't have any siblings. Wow, interesting information about me."

"That's indeed interesting. Might explain why you're such a weird kid", Reece mocks me.

I shrug. "People usually say only children are spoiled and arrogant but I'm definitely not the most arrogant person in this room."

"Just cause I once said I was good looking?", he frowns.

"In general", I state.

"Woah, thanks. You're definitely very nice."

"Nice looking?", I smirk.

For a second Reece doesn't answer, he's just looking at me like he's judging me. Awkward.

Especially after what I said.

"I'd rather not talk about your looks", Reece then says, frowning.

"I don't like that you talk about your own looks either."

"Why, because you're getting jealous?"

I groan. "Arrogant ass."

"You like mentioning asses, are you obsessed or something?"

"Can I hit my head against the wall?"

"Go ahead", Reece says and starts giggling. "Or wait, let me film it so I always have something to laugh at."

"I'm glad I make you happy and laugh like that", I roll my eyes.

"I told you you'd be annoyed by my laughter", he shrugs.

"Yeah, you did indeed...", I sigh. "But I didn't think you'd be right."

"I'm disappointed. You should be the one expecting I'd annoy you."

"Is this a game with rules now or what?", I ask.

He shrugs. "Who knows."

"Now I'm disappointed, you just insulted us."

"Why, because we're serious?"

I nod. "Yep. You really annoy me."

"Thanks. I like bullying you too", he says and smiles as if he said something else.

I can't help but giggle.



"We should do at least a bit school work now", Reece changes the topic. "Did you bring the economy stuff?"

"Yeah", I say surprised by his sudden motivation. I get out my notes and we start working on a task.

"Listen, Smith", he says suddenly. "Whatever happens we're not friends. We got that deal that I'm nice and you explain and bring me the school stuff. When this ends, we're going back to usual."

"I know", I just say without looking up. "I know that you're still Bibby the asshole and I'm literally just always waiting for him to come back."

"Good", he mumbles and then it's silent again.

I'm actually a bit pissed. Of course I know he still hates me but I was at least hoping he wouldn't mention how we usually acted around each other.

I get up a few minutes later when I finish the task. "I'll leave for now. Today's not a day to learn. See you tomorrow."

I pack my stuff and then leave.

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