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The weird thing now is that suddenly I don't want school to end. Usually I wanted to leave the ugly dark building as soon as I could, now I'm happy if the time seems to go by slowly.

I'm currently sitting in the last lesson of the day. I keep watching the clock and the time seems to go faster than it usually would in politics. Suddenly, there's only 10 more minutes until the lesson ends, then five and then the teacher says we can go. I pack my stuff really slowly. I really don't wanna go to Reece again.

I talk to the teacher for a minute because he tells me Reece doesn't have to retake the test he's missing in this subject so it's okay if I only tell him the important things.

I nod and thank the teacher before slowly walking out of the room. I'm the last one leaving, everyone else already ran away as soon as they could.

"You took long", I hear Blake say before I see him. I smile when I do.

"Hey", I answer and he punches me jokingly.

"So, how excited are we today for your visit?"

"Fuck you", I mumble and pretend to run away from him.

He follows me quickly. "Rude!"

"You're rude!", I give back. "You know exactly that I hate going to the hospital and going to Reece and talking to him and I just hate him in particular."

"Yesterday you said you were going to-"

"Shut up!", I yell interrupting him. "Here's people, idiot, and I never said it!"

"You did say it, you just meant it in a different way", Blake gives in and suddenly stops walking.

"Blake", I groan. "Keep walking." I stop as well and some people that were walking behind us roll their eyes and pass by.

"I have to walk to my gran's house today", he mumbles. "We're having dinner with her. You know, the once in a month dinner."

"On Tuesday?"

"Yeah, the month ends in three days and we didn't have time yet." Blake keeps walking.

"Well then we have to say bye earlier today", I shrug. "Even though I could have needed someone who pushes me into the hospital and room 483."

"Aw", Blake makes ironically. "Come on, he's the one in the worse position. Just imagine it's not Reece Bibby."

"That's impossible, as soon as I see his face I want to punch something." We walk really slow now.

"That's a mood, but you'll have to go through this", Blake tries to brighten my mood.

"Well goodbye now", I say and wait at the side of the street until I can cross it. Blake walks into a different direction but turns around one last time and waves.

I sigh, and somehow Blake maybe managed to give me a bit more motivation. I'll just go into the hospital and give him the papers and I'll be fine.

It seems less horrible now.

I don't go home today first, I walk straight to the hospital so I'll have it done.

It's the same woman as yesterday. She greets me friendly and a few minutes later I'm in front of room 483 again.

I read the same sign as yesterday with Reece's name.

I sigh and knock before entering the room. "Hi."

Reece doesn't answer, he's staring out of the window and it seems like he's in a different world. He's not in this room right now, doesn't notice me.

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