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i'm so so sorry for messing up my update schedule :( here's a random update to make up for the ones i've missed. been writing more again so hopefully i'll be able to update regularly again. for now, enjoy this! :)

I can't believe it when it's Friday and I'm walking to Reece's house. It's the last day I have to do it. The last days, we got along really well. We have a fun friendship, except for the parts where I stare at him dumbfounded because he's so perfect.

By now, I have admitted to myself that I have some kind of crush on him. It's probably really just because I'm getting close to someone I haven't been close with before. It'll stop in a while anyway. I mean, who would blame me? Reece is good-looking, it's a fact. And he's actually really sweet and hilarious.

It feels stupid to remember how at the beginning I was hoping for this to go by fast, now I wish it wouldn't ever stop. Of course, it shouldn't be all that bad, we're kinda friends now. We'll hang out, or talk at least.

Noone's at home except Reece, I know because he texted me. I get the extra key and enter the house. It's really quiet in the house. Reece is probably reading or on his phone. I just walk upstairs, and I was right. He's sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the bright phone screen.

"Hi", I greet him and slightly jumps.

"God, George, you scared me", he breathes out.

I laugh a bit and enter his room completely. "Are you doing such bad things?"

"You should know by now", he winks at me. However, he then pats the bed next to him. "Sit yourself down."

I do as he says. We just sit for a while.

"Last day", Reece mumbles. "How happy are you?"

I laugh. "No that much. I've gotten pretty used to this."

Reece stares off blankly. After a moment, he snaps out of it. "Now, show me what was up today."

"Yeah, right." I get the papers out of backpack. "Not much today, it's Friday and there weren't that many relevant things."

"Even better", Reece says cheerfully.

We look over the papers and then suddenly, it's over. I won't have to do this again.

"Are you staying a bit longer?", Reece asks, and I don't why he sounds nervous. The last week I've usually stayed really late.

"Am I supposed to run off now?", I ask.

Reece shrugs. "I don't know."

I shake my head. He's different today, I can tell. But I don't really get why.

"We could watch a movie", he then suggests, and it feels a bit more like the usual Reece, as if he noticed that I had noticed he was acting different.

"Sure", I agree.

We choose a movie after only a short discussion. Then Reece moves to lean against the wall on his bed. I stay where I am, not knowing if I should just sit down next to him on his bed.

Reece laughs when he notices this, obviously. "Come on, weirdo."

I pull a face and crawl next to him, leaving a bit of space between us, just so that we're not touching. I don't know if I would survive that.

The movie some mix of action and comedy, it's interesting and fun to watch. Reece keeps laughing at the jokes, which makes me laugh even more.

In the middle of the movie Reece pauses it. "I need to go to the toilet", he admits laughing. He gets out of his bed, picks up his crutches and leaves.

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