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hi. first of all, i feel really bad because it's been months. and I didn't even write, i still have like 3 chapters i had prewritten... oops. i hope i change for the better and can update more. but now! this is one of my favourite chapters so far and you'll see easily why. have fun reading <3

In the morning I find a text from Reece in my notifications. I sigh and for a moment I don't want to look at it.

I decide to go downstairs and have breakfast first. Today's friday so I'll go to Reece's one more time and then it's the weekend.

Only two more weeks are remaining until he should be able to come to school again. He'll probably start walking sooner but only short distances in the house.

School would be too exhausting.

Time goes by fast, I realize. Soon I'll have a lot more free time when I don't have to go to Reece's anymore.

I decide to read his text after I've been thinking about it during breakfast.

You seemed off yesterday. If you don't feel good you don't have to come over today. Only if you're well.

I sigh when I read it. I'm not sure what I was expecting but not this. I was indeed a bit off, but it wasn't because I'm not well.

I quickly text him that I'm coming and then I already leave.

Blake's nowhere to be seen so I just walk to school alone. Maybe his lesson starts later. Who knows.

I sit through some boring lessons of physics and history. In the break I meet up with Blake. He seems tired and we barely talk before we part again for different classes.

In the last lesson my thoughts keep wandering to everything happening lately. The asshole with the broken leg, my best friend who probably got his heart broken, well not broken but seems like the girl he talked to wasn't too interested anymore. Would explain why he seemed off.

When the bell rings I'm the first one who has his stuff packed and leaves.

It might be temporary and Reece is still an asshole but I somehow enjoy being at his place. In the empty guest room where I sit on the ground because the chair broke. With Reece who'll be mean but one second later I feel like we're having fun.

It's weird and I shouldn't be wanting to go there especially after what Reece said yesterday but I find myself walking to Reece's fast.

Noone's there so I walk around the house where I find the door open. I don't even need the keys today.

"Hello?", I call out when I enter the house.

"Hey George", he shouts back and I smile when I hear him say my actual name.

He never really does it if it's only the two of us.

"Hey cripple", I say and enter the room. I stop. "Wait are those glasses you're wearing?"

"Oh dear", he sighs. "Yes. Now you've found out that I'm not only hot, mean, stupid and arrogant but blind as well."

"So you actually need glasses?"

"No", he says and I barely have ever heard anything sound more sarcastic. "I wear them for fun."

"How come you're just wearing them for the first time when I'm around?"

He shrugs. "I don't like them but my mum brought them downstairs this morning so I had to wear them. And I kind of forgot them."

"You look like the nerd right now", I giggle and sit down on my usual spot with my back against the bed.

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