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After the last lesson I leave the school quickly so I can get over the worst time of this day.

I tried my best to pay attention in class today so I could at least say I've tried for him but I knew he'd still be an idiot. The hospital was a bit of a walk from school so I decided to go home first and have some food.

After getting something I walk to the hospital which takes me around ten minutes. When I stand in front of the huge building I'd love to turn around and walk away.

I get out some papers my teacher gave me and then walk in. I talk to some woman and she just nods after I gave her the papers and gives me a number.

I slowly make my way through the floor and up some stairs until I'm in the right floor.
I walk by some doors until I see the given number.

Reece Bibby.


I sigh and knock on the door until someone answers.

I close the door behind me and then I see Reece. He looks terrible after the accident, one of his legs is broken apparently and his rips are bruised. All and all, he doesn't look like the arrogant asshole boy I know. More like... a shadow of him.

"Oh, who's that then?", he greets me sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"You know what's happened, I'm not here cause I wanted to. Tell Mrs Deaver you want someone else to come and both of us will be happier."

Reece grins. "Too bad I can't laugh now, Smith."

"Too bad you're already able to think again."

For a moment everything is silent and I wonder if I went too far but then Reece shakes his head.

"I just said I can't laugh yet, that was mean."

"You're usually mean so that's just fair." I take some chair standing at the wall and sit down.

"I actually didn't think you'd come", Reece then mentions and I shrug.

"I have to or Deaver will be annoyed."

"Oh, the good boy has to impress his teacher."

I roll my eyes. "Fuck you Bibby."

"That's not a nice language you're using there", he says.

"I don't care, go fuck yourself."

"How?", he bluntly says before a huge smirk shows on his face.

"Oh god", I mumble and get out some notes I've copied for him.

"It's actually sad I can't laugh, you looked uncomfortable as hell", he says and I'm close to throwing the papers in my hand at him.

"I'm always uncomfortable if you're near", I mumble and sort the papers.

"That wasn't too nice either."

"Just cause I'm for once the one who's able to say these things."

"I'm not that mean", he replies.

I raise one eyebrow and then hand him the papers. "Change of topic. Maths, Economy and English."

He looks through the papers for a moment. "Doesn't look that bad. Thanks Smith."

"Did you just say thanks to me?"

Reece shoots me an annoyed look. "Yes, and it seems it'll be the last time."

"No, no, it was just unexpected to hear something kind of nice and not stupid out of your mouth", I say, actually still flustered.

"Just wait until I'm not under drugs anymore, I don't wanna know what they pump into me in this hospital."

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