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When I come back home I throw myself on my bed and check my phone.

I received two texts and I'm almost proud of myself. I don't ever really text anyone but Blake and barely anyone except him text me.

Of course one of the messages is from Blake, and who would have thought? The other one's from Reece.

I decide to answer Reece's first.

Enjoy your weekend,
can't wait to spend two
day without seeing your
annoying face :))

I definitely will enjoy it
as I don't have to come
to see you. do some maths
so you finally become
intelligent. see you monday :)

I then check Blake's text. He's asking me to hang out and why not? It's Friday, I don't have anything to do.

"Mum, I'll go to Blake's", I say when I come downstairs.

"Sure", she says. "Are you staying there over night?"

"I don't think so, I might come home late tho. I got my keys with me so don't worry."

"Okay, have fun and say hello to Soulla from me!", she says.

"I will, bye mum!", I call out while I walk out of the living room and start putting on my shoes.

Blake's house is actually kind of far away if you walk, but still, I always walk. I don't want to ask my mum to drive and it's not that far. I just have to walk to the crossing where we usually meet in the mornings and then it's like 5 blocks.

A while later I arrive and Blake lets me in. "Hey!"

"Hi", I mumble.

We go to his room and just like always we sit down and start gaming.

We don't talk yet, sooner or later one of us will decide to tell the other something. It's kind of always the same.

Blake and I have been friends since elementary school when we first met. We just sat next to each other in class and we got along since the day one even though we're really different. I always a shy kid, I always was a weird idiot as Reece would say. And Blake was a charismatic and talkative boy. This never changed.

I know most of the people I know because of Blake. Sometimes it's scary to see how many other friends he has. I only got him, and he could ditch me and easily become best friends with anyone else. Although he thinks of himself as a loser with barely any friends.

"I asked her out", Blake suddenly says right when one round has ended.

"You did what?!", I yell.

Blake stares on the tv. "I asked November if she wants to go on a date with me."

"Woah", I say. "And what did she say?"

Blake can't hide a little smile.

"Aww", I make before he's even able to answer.

"I'm taking her out next week", he mumbles. "I'm so nervous, oh god", he admits and grins awkwardly.

"It'll be fine, she seems to like you a lot as well and she's really nice."

"So you think she's nice?", Blake asks.

I nod. "Yeah. If she becomes your girlfriend after your date, I'm perfectly fine with it. Of course I don't know her too well but she seems really humble and kind."

"That's good", Blake mumbles. "You're way better at impressions of people. And also I'm happy my best friend doesn't think the girl I like is shit." He starts laughing.

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