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The next day I'm in a bad mood. I didn't sleep well even after pushing away the question again. When I walk to school it bothers me again. And again during the classes.

I remember all the times before that I thought about it. I wasn't very attracted to girls, I knew that for sure, but I never really had been attracted to a guy either. I just didn't know. I had thought about asexuality, but I didn't really fit that exact label either.

This time my thoughts annoy me so much that I want to finally find an answer. I know that I will have to read up more.

When lunch break arrives I'm still deep in thoughts. Blake tries to talk to me as usual but after I continuously zone out he stops and just stares at me with a deeply worried expression. He gets my attention for a while when he asks what's wrong. I don't answer with honesty. We then quickly exchange the biggest news. Blake is nervous because his date comes closer, and I admit that Reece and I have been getting along. That makes Blake frown.

We talk about Reece a while longer because Blake starts asking questions. But his frown doesn't go away.

I then decide to change the topic. I can't tell him Reece's secret, and if we keep talking Blake will realise that something is odd. That I avoid telling him details.

I quickly find an excuse when I finish eating. Blake is my best friend, however, I have a lot on my mind and don't really wanna talk to him about Reece. As I wander down a corridor someone suddenly stops me.

A brunette girl stands there and I recognize her immediately. It's November, one of the most popular girls in our year. She puts a lot of effort in school, she also was elected to represent the students this year. And I know one more thing about her - Blake likes her and she's the girl he asked out.

"Uhm, hi", she stutters quietly and I'm surprised because, usually when she talks she seems very sure of herself.

"Hey", I greet her back, but with obvious confusion.

"You're Blake's best friend, right?", she asks as if she wanted to make sure.

I nod.

"He's probably told you that we go out on friday, but I have no idea what to expect so please help. You know, I'm so nervous, I really like him, you know? I don't wanna mess it up with him", she quickly explains.

I decide to interrupt her at this point. "Don't worry. You can't mess up with Blake. It'll be just fine. And to help, you don't have to be scared or anything. If he hasn't told you to look fancy, you don't have to. As I know him, it'll be a simple and more casual date, but cute enough." I smile when I see her relax.

"Thank god." She sighs. "I know that this must've been really strange to you but whenever I think of him and the date I can't think properly." Now she smiles at me. "And, if it all works out we'll probably see each other a lot, so I hope we can get along."

"Of course", I smile back.

She then says bye and walks away. I can't help but shake my head. Blake really found himself a girl that was right for him.

After that I don't get bothered by anyone again until afternoon lessons start. I spend the first lesson spacing out again, and during the short break I check my phone. I see a text from Reece about a show I told him to watch. I grin. It must be really boring to be home all day.

I only text back a short reply because the second afternoon class starts. It passes by rather quickly and I soon find myself walking to Reece's house. Reece's mum opens the door again today. I greet her friendly and she gives me a big smile.

"Hello, George. He's in his room now, he got the crutches today", she tells me. It's upstairs, on the left. The second room."

"Thank you", I say even though I already know. I go up the stairs and remember the first time I went up here to get Reece's book. It actually was only a few days ago, but to me it feels like weeks since I found out what Reece Bibby was hiding.

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