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I'm basically running home. I don't know why I run, he definitely won't chase me but somehow I am scared. I still hear the banging of the door and see Reece's face in my mind.

This probably was the worst thing I could have done - today already is a terrible day. It showed me that Reece and I really will never get along.

Everything was fine at the beginning but we changed a bit, we became slowly nicer and maybe we even had fun, but now it's all a mess. And it's my fault.

When I finally come home my hands are shaking and the keys fall out of my hand more than once. It takes me a few minutes until I'm inside.

The door closes loudly and I let myself fall on the floor, heavily breathing. I lean against the wall, my eyes closed and all I can think of is Reece's shocked expression.

He's going to skin me the next time he sees me. The chance I'm surviving all of this with my knowledge is small. Very small. Especially after I, as the dumbass I am, told him that I know.

"Oh fuck", I groan and slowly I feel myself calming. My breathing gets steadier, my heart doesn't beat as fast anymore and I stop shaking.

Then I realise how my phone keeps buzzing in my pocket.

"Not today Satan", I mumble when I see that Reece is calling me. "We're not doing this." I decline the call and immediately see he has been calling me a few times since I left.

My phone buzzes once again, but this time it shows a message.

For fucks sake, this time you
declined the call I saw it,
pick up george

i know you're reading this


you're either picking up the
next call or you'll regret this

Are you threatening me

pick up

And I do pick up. I don't want to but when I see his call on my display it's like my fingers act on their own. I hear him breathing for a few seconds.

"I'm not ashamed of it", is the first thing he says.

"You act like you are", I give back with a confidence that I don't know where I take it from.


"I'm not", he repeats. "Just because I don't ever talk about it to anyone from school doesn't mean I'm ashamed of who I am."

"Yeah okay", I mumble and I'm suddenly happy he doesn't see me.

"But how do you know?", he asks.

"You sent me to your room yourself", I say and I think it's enough of an explanation.

"Shit", he calls out. "I'm so stupid", he groans.

I can't help but laugh.

"Stop laughing", he demands and I try to but it just turns into a silent giggle.

"You're still laughing, stop!!"

"I can't", I press out. "Everything about this is so weird."

"I know", he mumbles. "But I'd appreciate if you at least stopped laughing!"

"I'm trying to."

For a while this goes on, I laugh and on the other side of the call there's silence.

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