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where did you meet lexi?

I stare at the notification of Reece's text for almost five minutes before I click on it. I start typing but then stop before typing something else.

this part of the city isn't that big.

did she say anything weird?

I scoff at his text. That's all he worries about? Thank you, Reece.


He reads it. Doesn't type. Goes offline. I scream at my phone and throw it to the end of my bed. "Asshole." I jump up and walk up and down my room once before letting myself fall onto my bed again. I cover my face with my hands. I grab my phone and before I can think again, I've already sent a text. I read it again and I immediately hate myself for it.

So that's all you care about?
That your little sister might tell
something "weird" about you?

"Fuck", I whisper to myself. I put down my phone. I won't delete it. But I know it's not the best thing to do. I grab some fresh clothes and go take a cold shower. I need to start thinking straight again. What irony that the English language uses this word in this case. I laugh quietly while drying off my hair with a towel. I stare at my blue eyes in the mirror for a minute. Reece's eyes-No, I can't think about him. I sigh and walk to my room.

They're green. It hits me just as I enter my room. When Reece asked me about my favourite colour I said green, not knowing where it came from. It was because of his eyes. I loved looking into them.

I turn around but when I see my phone laying on my bed, I kind of want to walk out of my room again. But I can't, I'm drawn to it though I don't want to.

He's left me on read.

I swallow heavily. This hits me harder than any reply he could've made. It's only about him, his image.

I type furiously. I don't care anymore.

you're an asshole,
reece bibby.

I stare at my phone for five minutes until he comes online and reads the text. He starts typing.

took you a while
to notice. idiot.

Then he's offline. Just like that. Once again, I swallow heavily, and this time it's because I almost start crying. I really thought it could've been something. I was so stupid. Blake was right with not trusting him. Reece is Reece, and that's just how it is. He's egocentric, uses people for his own advantage and is just generally an asshole.

I actually start crying, and without thinking I click on my chat with Malie and call her. She actually picks up, but sounds really confused.


"He's such an asshole", I cry out.

"Oh dear", she says. "Let it out, honey."

"So you know that earlier when you guys didn't wait for me? I've met his little sister and she talked to me cause we've obviously met when I brought him the homework. And then he'd texted me about it, and what for? To see if she told me anything weird about him. Maybe some more secrets. I got angry and texted him a few stupid things, and ended up calling him an asshole. And he literally said that it took me a while to notice."

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