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In my opinion, weekends pass too fast.

I feel like I sat next to Blake an hour ago but instead it's monday morning and I'm on my way to class when I hear someone yell "Smith". I ignore it, there's more people than me called Smith and I'm not in the mood for annoying people.

"Are you deaf or stupid? I called you", I hear a bitchy voice and I stop walking and turn around.

A blonde girl's standing there and I don't recognize her immediately but after a few seconds I remember: she belongs to Bibby's friend group. She's in Blake's class and her name is something like Kylie? Or Miley?

"I heard it but if you say Smith I don't necessarily think you mean me, it's a pretty common last name", I say.

"Sorry", she rolls her eyes. "Well, actually I wanted to ask about Reece", she says and tries to sound kind but it sounds so fake, it actually disgusts me.

"What about him?", I ask.

"I'm friends with him as you might know... But he wasn't been replying to my texts for almost a week now, do you know if he's okay? I heard you're bringing him the school stuff."

"No idea", I shrug.

Well, it's probably because of her because he's been texting me all the time during the weekend but I'd rather not tell her.

"Oh", she makes.

"I'm sorry", I say and turn around to walk to my class.

So Reece is ignoring his friends now? He really is a weird kid.


"Good morning", I yell while opening the door to Reece's room. Well the guest room he's living in right now until he can move easier with the crutches.

"It's afternoon", Reece replies, his eyes fixed on the laptop on his lap.

"Yeah but you usually sleep until noon, at least that's what you said, so I thought I'd say hi properly."

"I didn't sleep tonight", Reece just says.

"You what?"

"You heard me", he mumbles and pauses the film he's watching.

I frown. "Do you got sleep issues?"

"Maybe", he shrugs. "Well, what's been happening?"

"Firstly, lots of homework", I start.

"Sounds like something else happened as well", he grins.

I shrug. "This morning someone asked me if you're still alive because you haven't been texting back."

"Someone?", he asks and he sounds genuinely confused.

"Your girlfriend or whoever she is. I don't know the blondie's name", I explain.

"Oh. If she was my girlfriend I'd fucking shoot myself", Reece mumbles quietly.

I hand him some papers. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

"She's a rude and toxic girl, I don't know why people think I'm friends with her. She's just kind of always around me, I guess she'd love to be my girlfriend but as I said, I'd rather die."

"That sounds... lovely."

He rolls his eyes. "Not even you are as annoying as she is."

"Aw", I make ironically.

"That's definitely not a compliment cause everyone is better than her", he adds with a sigh. "I wish she'd let me live."

I don't know what to say so I escape by just handing him today's notes.

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