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so I've decided to update once today and then maybe do a double update when i'm home from my class trip, I won't be able to update as many chapters cause i gotta write first too :) now enjoy this x

I go back to school the next day already. I feel a lot better and I really don't want to miss anything. And so it comes that I walk down the road to the Bibby's house after school.

Reece is watching something when I come into his room. He's not bothered to look up. "I'm in the middle of an episode", he informs me quietly.

So I sit down. It's the show I recommended him but it's already the second season and one of the last episodes of it which means he must've watched a lot of it yesterday.

I've seen it before, I know what happens and although it's one of my favourites I get bored of it quickly today.

I look around Reece's room a bit more, trying to take in all the details. I like his room, it's big but it's cosy. My eyes rest on Reece for a moment - it's funny how invested into the show he is. He's wearing his glasses but he still squints. Maybe he should check cause he might need new ones.

I startle when he suddenly turns around and looks right back at me. I feel caught and I look somewhere else immediately. "So the episode's ended?", I ask just to distract myself from the weird feeling and also to distract Reece who must think I stared at him. Well I did. But I didn't mean it in a weird way.

"Yes", Reece mumbles, and I'm confused because he sounds like he's far away in thoughts.

"How do you like the show now?", I ask.

He shrugs. Our eyes meet again but this time I don't get a weird feeling from it. "It's amazing. I wish I could watch the remaining episodes of the season now..."

"I'll give you your stuff and then you can watch them", I say with a laugh.

He nods and watches me sort the papers. I get nervous, and I don't know why. A few papers fall down and I roll my eyes before I pick them up.

I then have to sneeze three times in row and I curse myself for it. Why can't I be like normal people and sneeze once only? However, I decide I can now blame all my failings on my still exhausted body.

Reece watches this whole procedure with an amused grin, but at least he doesn't comment on it. He looks over the stuff as he always does and then nods.

When I pack up my stuff Reece frowns and shoots me more than one confused look. "Are you leaving?", he asks. "I thought you'd stay for another episode. Except you're still not feeling well? Then I don't want to hold you back."

I shrug.

"It's more fun to watch it together. Come on, it's friday anyway. As if you have any plans", he says.

Reece easily convinces me so he starts an episode. During the intro we chat about the show a bit, but we fall into silence when it really starts. I can't really concentrate. It's my favourite show and my favourite character plays a huge role in the second season, however, my thoughts wander around. From the corner of my eye I can see Reece who's concentrated unlike me. He's really heavily invested. However, he looks in my direction for a second and I feel caught again even though I wasn't looking at him directly. I notice Reece is frowning. I look back on the screen, trying to figure out what happened that made him react like that.

However, it's a calmer scene. Nothing that confuses or shocks.

The episode ends shortly after and Reece sighs. "Now that was something", he mumbles.

I laugh a little. "Yeah. When I watched it for the first time I couldn't believe it." I face Reece directly. "But now I'll leave. It was fun to watch it again. See you." I smile and get up to walk away. When I'm opening the door his voice holds me back.

"George wait a second", he says.

I stop and turn. "Yeah?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." I grin at the cliche answer.

Reece rolls his eyes. "Nevermind. Maybe it's better to talk about it another time anyway. Goodbye, George. Have a nice weekend."

I'm left with confusion as I say bye and leave. I keep wondering what he wanted to ask me. As it seems, I won't know any time soon, I realize when I arrive at home. I sigh when I see that noone's at home but then I remember that my dad comes home. For like two days before he has to leave again for another business trip. Mum's probably at the airport to get him.

I find a piece of paper in the kitchen, proving to me that I were right. And it also tells me to eat on my own. Seems like they went out to eat. I groan and walk to the fridge, luckily finding the rest pasta that was too much yesterday that I can warm up now.

When I'm finally eating my phone rings a few times and I immediately know that it's Reece who's texting me. Noone else texts me more than once or twice at one time. Not that many people would text me anyway.

I'm a bit curious especially after the moment earlier so I leave my pasta for a second to get my phone. I glare at my dog who's wandered to the kitchen in the meantime but she knows she's not allowed by the table so it's fine. I sit back down and stuff my face with pasta while unlocking my phone.

And who would have thought, it really is Reece who seems to be watching the last episode now. I grin at his shocked messages when another one comes in telling me off for recommending the show because apparently it "destroys people's life".

I send back a few laughing emojis.

Reece keeps complaining a while longer until he asks when the third season will come out.

In two months.
You're lucky, I had
to wait a year.

However, that doesn't calm Reece in any way.

How tf did you survive
that, i'm dying to
know how it goes on

don't know,
maybe with patience?

you cannot tell me
to have patience after
the season ended with
such a cliffhanger

you'll survive two
months if I
survive a year.

We keep texting a while longer even after I finish eating dinner. I really have fun talking to him. Our conversations are usually filled with sarcasm but we're joking around. I actually enjoy it. Although not even a month ago, I couldn't stand Reece, because he couldn't stand me. If someone had told that we would become somewhat friends I would have punched that person in the face.

He says goodbye after a while when he's eating dinner so I do some of my homework while listening to another band Reece recommended me.

Before going to sleep we chat once more when I text him about the band. However, I fall asleep in the middle of writing a message.

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