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I go through the next day by telling myself that I was wrong yesterday. I'm just not used to making friends. I've literally told Reece yesterday that I never really liked anyone properly, so I don't even know if that's it. I'm just confusing it, because having friends other than Blake is strange to me.

However, as soon as I stand in front of the Bibby's house I want to turn around and walk home. I don't want to face Reece. I don't have feelings for him. I don't. I don't.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I don't. It'd be too fast, right? I barely know any things about him. Just superficial things. Well, and his biggest secret... and some more things. But okay.

Slowly, I make my way down to the door. Reece's mum is home and lets me in. We exchange a few friendly words like usually when she lets me in.

I go upstairs, still in thoughts. Reece's door is open, so I walk in. "Hey", I mumble and look up - mistake.

Reece is standing in front of his wardrobe, shirtless. His hair's wet, he must've showered. He has a t-shirt in his hands that he quickly throws on now.

But, I still stand there and stare at him. "I'm sorry", I finally get out after a while.

Reece laughs. "I didn't hear you coming. I would've hurried up. So I'm sorry, you awkward idiot. It just was my shirt."

And suddenly, I hate him for his open mind and his chill attitude. Nothing ever makes him uncomfortable while I stand there like a star struck dumbass.

Meanwhile, Reece walks over to his bed with his crutches. It's the first time I see him being up, I realise. I follow him and sit down on my usual chair.

The picture of him shirtless is still on my mind even when Reece and I go over the school stuff. And that makes me realize, that this isn't just being friends or making friends. Noone sees their friend without a shirt and thinks, wow, they look hot. I try to shake the thought off, but it doesn't really work.

Instead, I get thrown off again, when Reece realises that his wet hair drops onto his papers. And of course he's lazy and just pulls up his shirt a bit to dry it.

"Because that helped", I blurt out, "now it's your shirt that's wet." I look down after that comment to get control over my stupid mind.

Reece shrugs and laughs. "And? At least that doesn't drip."

"I don't have to understand you, right?", I say and shake my head. I look up at him and my breathing gets out of rhythm for a second. His hair is all messy now.

And suddenly I can't deny that I think he's attractive. I found him hot without his shirt, I thought he's cute when his hair is messy. And I enjoy his company, think he's funny and all that. He's totally my type of guy. But I don't like him that way.

"Probably not", Reece says now.

"What?", I ask, totally having lost track of what I said and what he's saying now.

He frowns. "You asked if you had to understand me and I replied?", he says and sounds honestly confused.

"Oh. Sorry, I've been... in thoughts", I choke out nervously.

"Whatever", he mumbles.

It still can't be true, right? It means nothing. I get lost in my thoughts again.

"What's that what you've been thinking about? I didn't want to ask, but yesterday you left with some weird excuse and today you're totally out of mind. I didn't make you feel uncomfortable with my questioning, did I?", Reece asks.

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