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"He's sick, Ms. Murray. He already was sick yesterday", a loud voice yells into the classroom when our teacher checks who's there.

Our teacher nods and notes it down. His name. Reece Bibby. Sick.

I stare into nothing as I listen to all the other names she calls out. It takes so long.

In the row behind me, there's the blondie, Hailey. And her two friends. They're talking, and I concentrate on their conversation when I hear Reece's name mentioned.

"Reece called you?"

Hailey nods. "Yeah. He apologized for being sick. He would've wanted to hang out again yesterday, if he hadn't been sick. And then he low-key asked me out. I think I can finally call him my boyfriend now." She giggles and I almost throw up. Reece being her boyfriend.

My heart rips in pieces, if that hasn't happened yet. Everything he said to me was bullshit.

This gets proven throughout the day as the rumour spreads that Hailey and Reece are now a couple. Everyone's talking about it. She seems to enjoy the attention people are giving her now.

And I hide between my friends. I'm just sitting at our table during lunch and stare at the food instead of eating. The others aren't talking either, until Malie starts the discussion.

"So Reece and Hailey overtake the conversations now. Seems like Blake and Nov are old news now."

Nov shrugs. "Way better this way. Although I can't believe they're actually dating", she says the last part quietly.

"Why?", Malie asks.

"I don't know. It just always seemed like... I don't know, okay?" Nov seems stressed.

"Wait, but George, did he mention something?", Blake asks me.

"No", I reply grumpily. "By the way, you were right, he's an asshole. Let him date Hailey."

Blake frowns. "Why the bad mood?"

"You don't get it, do you?", Nov says and I shoot her a surprised look. I have not said anything to her at all.

"What do you mean?", Blake asks.

"Let him tell you, if it's what I'm guessing", Nov continues to eat.

"You won't freak out, right?", I whisper.

"Why would I?"

"Okay, B. Listen. Uhm. I figured it out. I'm... Okay, shit. Okay. I'm not straight", in the end I blurt it out and Blake just gives me a confused stare.

"It's more complicated, I'll explain it later. But... I might have feelings for Reece", I just say it really quick.

"You.... what?!" Blake is yelling, but it's just the shock. He's going to be alright.

Nov smiles. "Guessed it."

"Okay, okay. During the month, you started to like him. Okay. I get that. And now? What's happening now?", Blake asks.

"He's ignoring me. He's an asshole. That's it."

"Damn. At least that's clear now. It's also clear now why you never wanted to go out with any random girls. Sorry, bro."

I laugh. "It's alright."

"But Reece is apparently with Hailey now. And ignoring you. Shit."

"Hailey...", Nov repeats and rolls her eyes. Suddenly, her eyes light up. "I'm going to the toilet real quick. I'll be back." She runs off before any one of us can say something.

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