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        Selina's dream had affected her the next day. She felt more alone than usual and the depression was coming back. When she had first run away from home the night her father died she had spent months crying all day and night. She now called it the great depression because those days she felt gutted, like she was in a nightmare she couldn't wake herself out of no matter how hard she tried. And today was just like those days. She woke up crying and now she couldn't stop. She lay on the dirty sewer ground holding her legs to her chest crying softly to herself. She cried for her mother, herself, maybe even her father, and she cried for love which she had never known. Will I be alone forever? Will I be forced to spend my days constantly fighting death? Is there no light at the end of the darkest of tunnels? There has to be. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. How much can one person really take? Her cats, hearing her crying, came to her and layed down beside her and began to cry too. They let out whines and Selina thought she saw actually tears fall down their faces which just made her cry more. Selina felt like the only thing she had left, her sanity, was slipping away as well. She began to scream. She stood up and ran to the corner where her collection of things sat shining. All the things she carefully placed where Selina thought looked best. She lit one of the many candles in the corner and picked up one of the many empty picture frames and set fire to it. She dropped it to the ground and watched as it burst into flames. She picked up a necklace and threw that into the forming fire, then some books. Her cats, seeing the crazy rage she was in knew they had to stop her before she killed them all with the smoke and flames. Meesha, The bravest out of the bunch ran to Selina and started hitting her legs with her paws. Selina looked down at Meesha and she was looking at her pleadingly, it was as if she was saying, “Snap out of Selina! Everything's gonna be okay, you have us”. Selina quickly looked around at the large fire she started and panicked. She grabbed an empty booze bottle, filled it with dirty sewer water, and splashed it on the fire.

        The fire didn't ruin anything except for the things Selina threw into it, only the ground was permanently scarred black in the area. Selina realized that, yes, it would be nice to have someone beside her, facing the same struggle, someone to understand her that was human, but she had her cats. Meesha and the rest came together and sat in a circle around her. They all stared at Selina, she looked into each of their eyes and knew that she would always have them no matter how rough the journey to survive would get. She scooped them up into her arms like she always did, and they all started meowing in joy. She held them close to her heart until she felt better.

        “It smells really bad in here guys, I think we need more candles.” Selina kissed them goodbye and went up into the world. She searched stores for thick candles that could block out the sewer smell and found a small antique store that sold tons. Since she thought all the products sold in the store were pretty neat, she decided to pay for the candles with the money she had taken from a man's wallet the day before. Back home, as she was crawling into her box she heard screams echoing off the walls nearby. They voice was male, but they didn't sound like a man's screams, yet they didn't sound like a boy's voice either. Selina followed the screams to the next alley and saw a group of teenage boys surrounding whoever this screaming person was. Gangin' up on one person, that's real brave...Cowards.

        “HEY!” The group of boys turned and faced her, all of them currently looking her up and down. Selina saw the kid they were picking on also looked like a teenager, but younger than them, he was on the ground with a bloody lip and red eyes filled with tears, “Why don't you pick on someone your own size!” There was four of them, all of them tall and ugly. She looked into the eyes of the biggest one, who she assumed was the leader. He started walked toward her till they were about an arms' length apart and spat, “You mean like you.” He towered over her but she wasn't afraid of him. Selina looked up at him and stared him dead in the eyes. He raised his arm to punch her but her hand caught his fist and held it with a firm grip that he couldn't loosen. Selina kicked him right in the place she knew it would hurt most and he fell to the ground. Another one of the boys ran at her and swung but Selina dodged the punch, Selina made sure the boy on the ground was watching and just as the bully slipped and regained his balance she elbowed him in the back as hard as she could. He also fell to the ground and the two injured meat-heads staggered out of her way in fear that she would kick them while they were down. She looked over at the remaining two who were standing in amazement and fear. She charged toward them but stopped herself before she got close to them and they ran the opposite way screaming, “Don't hurt us!” and “Mommy!”.

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