(3) Creepypasta

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(Edit: May 20, 2019)
Ding Dong!

I grab my purse and put my phone inside and headed to the door. I saw f/n in the door

"Hi y/n. How are you lately? Finally had a job?" she/he ask.

"Yup. But it is just a part time job. You?"

"It was great. I meet new friend and had a job!" she/he said excitedly

"Wow. Congrats" I said and headed to a black car

"Is this your's?" f/n nod and we both went in. F/n was in the driver seat while I was in the front seat beside her/him.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask. She/he just look at the round not saying anything. I waited a couple of minutes before he/she replied

"In a restaurant. It is new and I just heard about it just earlier." I keep quite and watch the road. It was surprisingly crowded with people with children holding there costume. Oh yeah it's almost Halloween. Note to myself I needed to buy candies before Halloween came.

We are now arrive at the restaurant. We went in and f/n pick up a seat and we both headed there. The waitress came towards as with her pen and notebook ready to list our orders

"Welcome! What can we have for you both today?" she ask kindly

"Can I have a f/f and f/d please" I said

"That's a wonderful choice mam. How about you?" she ask f/n

"I will have what she will be having" he/she said. The waitress smiled and thanks us for ordering. She left with the menu and our orders.

It was loud in here and I can smell the delicious foods that they are serving. The smell of foods touch my sense and my month started to water from the deliciousness.

"How was work y/n?" f/n ask

"Great but scary at the same time" I said

"How scary are we talking about?" said in a serious tone. I shouldn't add that word. He/She loves scary movies and his/her family is ghost hunters.

"Umm...just a little." I said.

"What scary things you saw. And how is this little. Your sweating already." f/n said. I could stop but to sweat. I don't want her to be in school with him/her holding a scanner and weird weapons. The students and teachers will look at me with strange faces if that ever happened. I don't going to let it

"I-um... because it was to hot in here"

"That can't be. We are in front of the air condition. How are you even sweating? Came on y/n you know you can't keep secrets like that in front of me. I know you to much" grabbing both of my hands and starring at my eyes "so tell me. What did you see?" she/he ask again

Sigh "Alright. But promise me to not go inside that school holding a scanner and weird weapons"

"I promise. I promise in my bottom of my heart" f/n said and doing a cross where his/her heart is. "Now talk" glaring at me. I told him/her everything I saw in the washroom. It still scared me and now I turn on the flashlight on my phone everytime I went inside that washroom or any washroom in the school. I think it was being hunted by evil spirits or something.

"Ohh. I see what's going on here"

"You do?" I ask confuse. But luckily she/he wouldn't going to school with me

"Do you ever heard about the creepypasta?" I shook my head no. Is that a recipe for a pasta named creepypasta? Hey it's on the name! Don't blame me if I am wrong

"Is that a pasta?"

"Ahahaha. No you silly girl. It's a group of killers. They are all immortals and there leader is Slenderman. The strongest creepypasta there is but they have a enemy named Zalgo. And always remember this, never said the word-" then she/he leans in my ear whispering "Zalgo six or seven times" he/she the went back to his/her normal seat and look at me

"Remember that". I was about to say something else when our food arrive

"Enjoy your food" the servant said and left. I will just going to tell him/her later after dinner.

After dinner...
"That was great" I said stuff. I can move but barely. I can see f/n was also full just seeing how she/he seat in it's chair.

"Yep" was only thing she/he said before running off going to the restroom. I was confuse. Is he/she going to puke? Or just needed to go? It's not my business to know so I just let him/her go. While waiting for him/her to came back. I grab my phone and took a bunch of pic of the restaurant then send it to mom and dad. I took a couple of pic. After I was done taking pictures I look at the pictures to see all of them are wonderful. The last one is just black. No picture appeared. I look at the camera to see it's clean but why is this is black. I delete the pic and took a couple of more pictures. I look at them but now the background is black. Ok this is starting to get scary. I look closely at one of the pic to see someone or something is standing behind me. It looks tall and have a pale face but no facial fixtures like nose, eyes, ears, or month. Just a plain white face. I look behind me to see no one there but there was a note on the window. I look at the restroom to see that there was a long line. Why is she/he doing in there. I stood up and look at the window to see the note reading

"Meet me at the woods behind your house tomorrow at 8:40 pm.

- S~"

After reading it all of my hair stood up and my heart stop a beat. Why would everyone what me to go to the woods at the night?! There are animals there to eat me and have no mercy and thinking to leave me there. They surely wanted me dead. I look behind the paper if there are anything else but only to see the same weird symbol I saw in the room and saw in my first day of job. The circle with a written "X" in the middle of the circle. I took the note and hide it in my purse and walk back to my seat and waited for f/n to arrive

I was finally home now wearing pj's and ready for bed. It took 15 mins for f/n to finish up in the restroom. After we ate dinner we headed to the park for awhile sharing our days and she/he always reminds me about the so called group of killers. Creepypasta. It's a weird name to calk that to a group of  killers but whatever.

It didn't took long and we headed back to my house. He/She wave goodbye and went back to the hotel he/she check in. It was now 10:00 pm and and I have work tomorrow. I close the lights off and cover myself with my f/c blanket and close my eyes a waiting for the dream land. Forgeting about the note that I just receive at the restaurant.

"Good night y/n. Sweet dreams~"


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