(18) Break in

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Slender POV
Heading out Y/n's room and walk towards the kitchen to get some coffee to drink before heading to my office I saw a really worried Dark in the living room window staring outside.

"He's here. We are dead as ashes. He is now one hundred stronger than before. With a army of thousand demons coming for their future Queen. With archers aimed fast as light with arrows strongger to break a house in one shoot. Swords that is all made of the strongest metal, will make you dead. Claws that can cut a entire tree in one slice" then he started to rock back and forth. His hair is all messy. His clothes are still covered in blood and eyes that is sore than the last day I ever saw him. Something took over me that I needed to comfort him. I hug him

"Don't worry child. Everything will be alright. No one will turn into ashes. Zalgo will be dead like he should be" I said and teleport both of us in his room. I saw him sleeping so I tucked him in his bed and leave a note on his side table before heading out. "Good night child. You did well today. Sweet dreams" and with that heading to the kitchen and make a coffee and headed to my office to make a plan with my brothers.

"So what now?" ask splendor

"Should we fight? We all knew his stronger than before" said offender

"Don't know yet. I set Dark outside hours ago and came back with bruises and arrows at his back. He only gave a few details awhile ago"

"And that is...?

"Had thousands army following his commands. With swords made of the strongest metal. Archers with aim fast as light with arrows stronger to break a house. With claws that can cut a tress with one slice." all three of my brothers look at me

"So... we are all dead. Like really!? One thousand or more army with different ability!" worried Trender

"Were did he even got archers! From the dead!" yelled offender

"Guys I am freaking out" said splendor

"The archers did not came from the dead. He made a agreement. Zalgo made allies with a witch decades ago. He must have find her again and make a deal. Remember our so called 'friend' Hailey the witch?"

"Yeah. She was one and only girl in our group before everything went upside down and said that Zalgo as a point about the whole taking over" splendor said

"What about her? She is dead remember. She can't be came back alive" said offender

"She is dead alright. She died in a painful way as we all knew. But she's the one who created those archers." they all gasp and look confuse

"HOW?!" they shouted in confuse

"She some how came back alive"


"What was that?" we went out to what was the commotion about

"Is that Jeff and Ben fighting again?" ask Splendor. We went to the kitchen to see a broken window

"Well I guess someone-" Trender stop taking. Wonder why? I look behind me to see trender was gone

"Where is trender?" I ask 'looking' both offender and splendor. They just shrug their shoulder

"He was just behind me" said Offender as our trendrils are going wild

"Guys I think Trender is playing hide n' seek with us" said Splendor happily. "Alright Trender! You hide we count" he said happily and started covering his eyes with his hands.

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