(12) Dark's past

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"So care to explain what happened earlier?" you ask siting on the other couch looking at him with questioning eyes

"It will be my pleasure to share it to you but why so many will be listening?" he ask

"Like Y/n said. We wanted to know what happened" Clocky said siting beside Toby who is eating a plate of waffles again.

"Alright. So years ago I was working with Lord Zalgo. He is the strongest demon next to Satan, on what he tought us. He is ordering everyone around for the coming battle with one of his enemy one day. His ruling is strict. Don't follow his orders, your dead. Don't do something right, your punish. Don't go to sleep until he told you to. And giving as a meal once a month. Then he order us that we must be on guard for any spys to get our identity or something. Then he order me to go on the human world to get a human girl. He didn't told me her name only a few details-"

"And what detail was it?" ask E.J

"Down your horses dude, I am going to say it no need me to hurry it up! So he told me he needed a girl with long black hair, green eyes, peach skin, and living in a town t/n and that's all. He didn't told me anything like age, name, height, or even any other important details which was hard. I headed of and look for the girl. I go houses to houses until I maded to a house with only have a first floor. I look through the window to see a little girl sleeping. I went in to see if she has the sane detail that lord Zalgo told me the fetch, which was my luck as I step on one of her toys making her to wake up. She saw me and started to scream with her loud scream making me to cover my ears and both of her parents open the door and started calling the cops. I was about to jump of the window and started to run but the father of the little girl grab my back collar holding me back. I use my claws and slash him but his other hand was holding a baseball bat and hit me in the head. When I woke up I was in a chair. Tied up. Then the girl's parents came in and the mother was holding a knife while the father is holding the freaking baseball bat?!

"Tell this to your lord Zalgo. Ever came again and try to take away our daughter you will see your servants die one by one!" said the mother and slash the knife into my neck and killed me instantly. The next thing I knew I saw a house on fire and felt that I was being carried before I black out. Then woke up again to see myself into a different room.

"Good Morning child" a voice said. I look beside me to see a slender figure with actually to facial feature and face as white as paper. "Don't be scared. I promise to take care of you" that's when he introduce me he was Slenderman. He revive and started to take care of me. He feed me, gave me missions that was a lot me specific, took me in, he gave me a room, he was like my father before Lord Zalgo killed him. But after a few years pass as Nina the killer, Lost Silver, Grinny the cat and I was bounding in the living room playing Slender gave me a mission to take a girl that is exactly the same as Zalgo what. But this time the files that Slender gave me was full of details. She is by that time was 18 years-old. Half demon half-human. Living in t/n. Height of "5'6. And others. I took of until I maded to her house. I went to the window to see her sleeping. I cover her mouth making her unable to scream and call for help. She started to get of the grip but I tighten the grip more making her to pass out. I carried her bridal style. I jump of the window and started running to the woods. That's when she lit up her green eyes. She look at me then push me off. Her eyes and hair turned to red, wigs and horns appeared.

"Your not going to make me to go back down there!" she said in her raspy voice. Her voice is like there is a thousand of voices mix together. I was about to tell her that I am wasn't to give her to Zalgo but to Slender but she flew towards me and sharp claws and fangs appeared and scratch me. I had to fight back. I turned myself into my demon formed and starred to fight back. Only mission is to get her join us. That's all!

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