(21) Laughing Jack Performance

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Your POV
Waking up from someone knocking on my door

"CP/n wake up! Breakfast is ready" Hoddie's voice came from at the other side of the door. I open my eyes only to see Smile dog is gone. 'Maybe he just went out earlier. I got up and open the door to face to face with hoddie

"Good morning Hoddie" I greeted

"Good morning CP/n. Breakfast is ready," he said without shattering

"Wow hoods. You're not shy anymore when taking. Great job hoods" giving him a thumbs up.

"T-Thanks," he said shyly again. "Da-ng it!"

"Hey, it's ok. At least you hang off it earlier. Just don't push yourself too hard" he just nods. His mask moves a little meaning he smiled. He walks away from my door disappearing from the hallway.

I went back to my room washing my face and brush my hair. I haven't got shopping for clothes. I headed out after fixing myself and headed downstairs to smell food. Wait, isn't yesterday we don't have food? I sit down and saw food on the table. Which makes me confuse. 'Where in the Zalgo did all of this came from?'

'From the store child. I bought it earlier, or more like stole it' Slender said telepathy to me. I smiled and dig in. The food was delicious. Without eating yesterday I am hungry as a cow! I took a freshly bake kidney, assuming EJ cooked it.

"Wow! Delicious!" I said then stuff my mouth with foods. "You're a really good cooker Slender," I said.

"Seriously. Slender only have a credit to the deliciousness?" EJ said annoyed. I laugh at his reaction.

"And of course EJ for cooking the best kidneys! Happy now" he nods and started eating his food. Minutes pass and more pasta came and join us

"You know Slender we need to shop for new clothes for everyone. We basically have no clothes to wear since we all started to move here" I said and drink a glass of blood

"Yeah Slender. I smell like Jeff breath" Jane said

"Hey! My breath is not that unpleasant as*h***. Besides I brush my teeth twice a day" Jeff said

"I thought thrice a day?" Sally said confuse. "And what is an as*h***?"

I nearly choked and eyed Jeff for saying that meaning he better start running. I can see the fear in his eyes then started running

"Sorry!" he yelled. I chase him like prey through the hallways.

"Your sorry wouldn't do anything Jeffrey Boy!" I yelled chasing him. Laughter can be heard from the kitchen.

Jane POV
After Y/n chase, Jeff and disappear through the hallways I laugh so hard like the others.

"Jeff wouldn't be sitting again for 1 week straight again," Dark Link said

"I better get the mid ready" EJ said leaving the dining table.

"Well, Y/n was right after all. We need to shop for clothes" I said weeping the tears out of my eyes

"Yeh Slender" Judge Angel said. Everyone agreed

"Alright, everyone. After breakfast, we are all going shopping" Slender said as everyone cheered.

After breakfast, we all headed out with our human form.

"Wait. Where is Jeff?" ask Bloody Painter

"After that chase. I guess to check out his butt" I said. Remembering last time he was chase by Y/n last month for breaking his promise. He receive a scratch on his butt and wouldn't able to sit for the whole 1 week. Some of us laugh and waited for Slender, Jeff and EJ to came out.

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