(14) The Feeling inside

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So before I start the chapter I have a huge announcement to make. Since we reach up to 300+ in just a few months which surprise me alot! I wanted to ask you if you wanted me to make a story about my life or just a diary? If do comment and if we reach up to 500 or plus I will not going to think twice and I will be starting on it. If no then it's alright. I know how boring to read anyone life, that's what I thought. But it's up to you. Your choice and your decision. And I will be the one will be taking care of the rest.

Enough with my rumbling and the chapter 14 start....

Now! Enjoy😐


I was in the game room with Herobrine, Ben, Lost Silver, Sonic.exe,  Dark Link, Tails Dolls and others. We are 15 or more including in the game room. I was playing f/g with Dark Link beating the others. We both teamed up. Herobrine with Sonic.exe, Tails Dolls with Ben and so on.

"I am going to best your a**!" I yelled beating Sonic.exe group.

"Oh no you won't!" he said and the battle lasted about a few hours until someone finally dead.

"You win!" the screen appeared that both me and Dark Link won. Giving each other high five. After that I left and headed to slender office to ask permission to go out and talk a little walk.  I knock twice before I herd a soft "come in". I open the door to see Slender on her chair and Dark.

"What's up Dark. Hello Slender" I said

"Hello child. Seems in a good mood today" Slender said. I nod and saw Dark staring at me

"What are you doing here Dark? Another mission the Slender going to give you" but before he could answer Slender spoke in my mind

'No my dear child. We are just having a peaceful talk to make things between us much better' he said telepathy. I nod

"Oh yeah. Slender can I go out for a walk. I promise I will be back before dark" I said.

"Alright child. Be back before dark and have fun" with that I headed of and thank him before going out his office. I went to my room grabbing my phone, earplugs, and my f/c hoddie and headed off.

"Hey CP/n where are you going?" ask Hoddie. Which surprise me he didn't stuttered. He mostly shy and also surprise me that he went first to talk

"Oh hey Hoddie. I didn't see you there. I was just going on a walk out side. Wanna came and join me?" I ask. He nod and walk towards me and both if us headed out.

The cold breeze of the up coming winter surely making me shivered. Even if I had my hoodie on. I can took out my gloves from my pocket and put it on making my hand warm.

"That better~" I said relief. I saw Hoddie giggle.

"So where are we going?" I ask Hoddie. He seems quite for the pass 30 mins making me uncomfortable. He then grab my hand and drag me along with him. "Whoa" I said almost hitting a tree. I jump turned dodging the branches and roots while I was still being drag by Hoddie!

And we stop.

"We-re here" he said. I look around me to see a winder sight of the sun set. We are in a cliff with trees surrounded us. I look below to see a river flowing quietly.

"Were are we?" I ask. I hope this isn't a dream. It's so beautiful. I look to see Hoddie sitting at the cliff with his feet hanging below. I sit next to him watching the sunset. "This is beautiful" I was amaze by the sight. In front of us was mountains which making it much cooler.

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