(11) We meet again and Mister Fluffy

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No one POV
You woke up rubbing your eyes. You look around and saw that you where in the living room. 'Guess I fell asleep while playing with Ben' you thought. You was about to stand up to get change when someone stop you. You look beside you to see Ben hugging you making you blush.

"Ben?" you said quietly not making anyone to wake up. "Ben wake up"

"5 more minutes mom. I don't wanna go to school" he said quietly making you laughing quietly. You started to shake him to wake up but he started to hug you tighter. "Your soft mister fluffy" 'mister fluffy? Is that his teddy bear?' you thought and laugh about it. You thought of just waiting for someone to help you out. While waiting you look at Ben sleeping figure.

'He's cute when sleeping' and start to stroke his blonde hair. 'Woah! His hair is so soft' you thought stroking his soft hair.
"Oh, good morning CP/n. Need some help?" Jeff said who just walk down stair and saw you having trouble. You nod. He smile and grab your hand pulling you from the cute killer.

Finally you are out but then Jeff was grab by Ben who is still sleeping making you laugh.

"Stop laughing! This isn't funny!" he yelled. You wipe away the tears from laughing so hard and try to help to poor killer who is being hug by a elf.

"Mister Fluffy don't go! I love yah" Ben said in his sleep making Jeff laugh with you. You grab his hand and pulled him out the grip of Ben.

"For a shorty he is strong" you said straggling to help Jeff be free

"Sure does" and finally he was free but from to much pull you accidently fell with Jeff above you. Your faces was just inch a part making both of you blush like a tomato.

"Jeff can you... you know" Jeff quickly realize what happened and stand up and helping you to stand up.

"Thanks" you said dusting the dust off your clothes

"Sorry" embarrassment and still blushing

"Hey don't sweat it! It's an accident. A really weird accident" and laugh. Jeff felt better and join you.

"Yeah well see yah" Jeff said running of to somewhere. 'I forgrt to tell him about Ben's mister Fluffy. I just going to ask him later' and made your way to your room to take a warm bath.

After changing and doing your business you went out to the kitchen where you saw Slenderman cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning Slendy" you said happily

"Good morning to you to child" he replied back

"Can I help you cook?" you ask looking at him with puppy eyes

"Sure. Can you be a good cat- I mean girl and set up the table?" he said as you nod in respond.

"Sure thing" and headed off to place plates, untensil and food that is already cook. After helping out slender you headed off to wake up everyone.

You headed to Sally's room where is she still sleeping.

"Aww" you walk towards her and shake her gently. "Sally wake up. Breakfast is ready" after that Sally slowly open her eye and look at me.

"Good morning mommy"

"Good morning sal. Slendy is waiting us. Do you want to help mommy to wake up the others?" she nod and quickly change her clothes and came back to you as you two wake up the others who is still asleep. Sally went to wake up Jane, Clockwork, E.J and few more others while you headed to the proxy room, laughing Jack and other that Sally haven't wake up yet.

Survival of life with killers [CP x Neko! Female! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now