For those who are still here

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                                                                                                                       4:35 pm

Dear readers,

    It' been three years since I started working on this series and book 2 was already publish but I thought of not going to redo the book 2 because of this reasons. You guys already know that the Creepypasta fandom is starting to lose good writers and the popularity of this fandom is not that known like the years before. 

I remember when I was young that this fandom was well known to the internet and meeting one of the stories I got thrilled and spook by it. Starting then I started to lead to know more about them and started working on a fanfiction book on them.

Now that it's popularity isn't that high as I started working on this series I started to loss the motivation to write more of it. I did keep trying to write more on what is left to write because of this 50+ chapters and having a book 2, I already write everything I want for you guys to enjoy so it' already a trouble to write new ones. 

I know there are still books of this fandom and videos on YouTube but seeing the reads and views on it.. I felt that not that many people is still on this fandom to keep it alive. 

I'm waiting for the day where this fandom will raise again and I'm still am as I try to write more story for those people who is still looking for Creepypasta related. I will be sad to know that one day and hope it wouldn't be soon that this fandom will die because I considered this fandom as a life saver for me on the years I was writing this series. 

It was a hard time for me over the two years I was working this. I was not in a state of a right mind and put all of my feelings through this series as it makes the gloomy feelings in me that time to reduce because I know that being depress and want to kill yourself and putting them on this series is not a bad thing. This fandom is literally filled with killers, blood, gore, rape.. and even their background is filled with it.

You guys remember Marble Hornets right? I'm sure I did and that was also what keeps me still here over the years. 

Now I don't know if I should keep waiting for the time this fandom will raise again in the internet. With all the fan art filled with *CENSORED* and being some being cute.. I think it almost to the point were more people started to go because of the less thrilled stories.

The creators of the famous Laughing Jack and Ticci Toby was not in the fandom anymore and look for something else because they started to get bored. Same with the other writers making the left people make cringy OC CP's. Sorry if that offended you.. sorry.

Anyway.. I just hope that this fandom will have more writers that filled the gaps that was left to make this fandom raise again. In a good way and not in a way of making kids believe that they are true leading to some events like the Slenderman stabbing event.

I'll be patience to watch as this fandom will raise again in the internet and new thrilled stories to share with your friends. I will be continue to think new chapters for this fandom to keep it's presence in the internet. Just for now and your author is signing out.

                                                                                                       - Author-chan 

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