(4) This is not TRUE!

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I get my change after buying candies for the up coming Halloween. I even brought a costume for myself and decorations for the house. This will be my 3rd year Halloween Anniversary. This will be great. I went out the store still creep out by the cashier guy. I don't know why he freaks me out. I walk along the side walk walking home. I haven't have a car and my money is still low to buy. I didn't agree to let my parents by me a car. They will loss money from there bank. I am such a nice person and having my parents is in my top lost of being kind. How are they anyway?

I reach my house and headed inside. I put the bag of candies in a assorted pile and headed to my room and put my costume inside my wardrobe. 'I should call my parents after I put out everything' I thought. I place the decorations in a box and put it under my bed. That will keep it in a time being.

After putting everything out I walk to my work desk where my laptop is place and started to call them. It took me waiting a 10 minutes with no one answering. 'Maybe there asleep?' I thought and look at the time to see it was still early. 'Maybe tired?' I try to call them again and still no one answer. I left a voice mail letting them know I love them and I'll be visiting them on Sunday where I am free from all the work but the next day I still need to go to school as a teacher assistance.

I close my laptop and grab my phone and started reading wattpad. I love this app so much! I have a lot of followers but I don't have books. I am not good as a author. I tried once but failed after doing chapter 5. Yep that was fast. I gave up next and just thought I love reading books than making one. I continue reading the story on where I left off. This will be great.

The next day
Ding dong! "Is anyone home?!" ding dong

I woke up hearing the door bell ring and someone is outside. I look at myself in the mirror. I look like a zombie with a messy hair and dry saliva in the corner of my month.(I know, its disgusting). I quickly went to the bathroom and wash my face and comb my hair. I change my t-shirt and headed to the front door. I open it to see a police?

"Hi. I am Yuan. Are you miss Y/n L/n?" he ask

"Yes I am. What can I do for you?"

"We got a call that a house number 107 was burn into flames yesterday night. We found two burn bodies in the living room guessing that you know who they where?" House number 107? That's my parents house! What happened to them?! Wha- why?! Why did that happened? Two loviest people on the world died buy a burning house! No, this can't be! I imagine them to dead from age not a house burning up in flames! No! This must be just a dream. Yeah that's right! Just a dream.

"Miss? Are you alright?" ask the cop

"Shoot me" I said

"What? Mam are you ok?" he ask again looking at me

"Shoot me. I'll be fine! This is just a dream! They can't be dead! That is my parents house you idiots. I know they are not dead! There must be a misunderstanding. Are you sure it was house number 107 and not like 106 or 108? Please I beg that your just tricking me. I won't believe any if this unless there is a evidence there dead!" I said. Just right. No evidence no truthness! 

"Mam calm down. I was positively sure I am not going to shoot you and it is house number 107. Not 106 or 108. And let me came in and tell you everything else" he said. I started to cry. Tears and more tears are coming down. I kneel down in defeat. They'll are truly dead. That's why they didn't answer me yesterday. I left them a voice message to let them know I love them and I'll be visiting them but it was worthless! I started to cry harder. I let out all the anger and sadness.

"No! There not dead! They are alive! There must be a error or something!! I can't accept this! I can't accept this news!" I yelled and punching the ground hard making my hand to be wounded

"Mam I know what you feel. I lost my parents when I was young. I wanted to help you so please cooperate and I will do everything." he said helping me to stand up. "First of all I need to clean up your wound" he said and help me inside my house and headed to the living room. My eyes are blurry from all of the crying.

"I'll get the first-aid. Be right back" he said and storm off finding the first-aid. It doesn't took him more than 15 minutes to find the first-aid. He clean up my wound with clean water and soup and started putting ointment. He grab the badage and wrap in across my hand tied it to the end. "There. How are you now? Here drink this. It will help you to calm down" giving me a bottle of water. I started drinking it and finish it in a couple of minutes.

"Thanks" I said quietly. I can saw he smiled and clean up the mess that he did to clean my wound and sited beside me.

"Can I ask you a question now?" I nod in respond "I think you all answer mist of the question I was about to ask you earlier so this wouldn't be long" I juts keep my head low and looking at the wooden floor. "When was the last time you and your parents talk? Did it happened yesterday or a few months ago?" he ask. It took me several minute to think the right answer

"I think 2 days ago" I said

"What did they tell you?" I sniff and answer it by the best I can

"We only talk in a few minutes  before hanging up. They only call me when *sniff* miss me. They usually the first one to call me and ask me how was my *day" then I started to cry again "I always say it was fine if even if it wasn't. I don't them to be worried much about me. They always there for me so I gave back the love and care by helping them out. This is the first reason why I move out the house to help them out. After telling my day we all said good bye" I said and started crying again. The cop named Yuan who was taking care of me held a handkerchief

"Here. Sue this" I was to embarrassed to use it especially that it wasn't mine at all. "Don't worry about it. I still have many of it at home" he said and grab my hand and place it on my hand. I use it to wipe myself and thank him. After asking a few more question and telling me his past I felt more better that someone understand me besides my parents. He said good bye and wave going in his police car and headed off leaving me once again alone. I still felt sad that I lose my parents. I fix myself and headed to go home to see my parents dead body and get the funeral ready.   
A/n Dec 26. 2020: Hey guys! So I haven't edit this chapter yet, I thought I did. But when I truly edit this chapter do you guys want me to correct all the funny misspelled spellings in this chapter??

Like the phrase., "Here. Sue this handkerchief." and correct the word "Sue."

Comment down your answer because I have second thoughts if I should or not. It's funny how you guys reacted everytime you read that phrase! 😂😂😂😂

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