(40) Good Bye

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It's the day where we will buried Dark's body. Yesterday was truly not the very best day but a unforgettable memory.  We all stated our thankfulness to Dark. After the funeral everyone went back as we buried Dark's body next to Jeff and Liu's parents.

"You know Dark. I always wanted to say thank you. Without you I wouldn't be here with them. I always remember the day where you made me who I am. The day I became a killer. Do you remember when you where testing my body for it make it much stronger I will always told you to stop. It was always funny how you reacted. But now it was time to say goodbye. I hope you will see each other again." I said and put a rose in his tomb. "Bye Dark. Until we meet again, friend."

'Until we meet again Y/n. I will always be here, in your dreams, and in your life. Tell Nina I love her.'

I smiled and nod. "A promise is a promise." I said and left. I went inside the mansion and went inside Nina's room. I knock to her room and saw it was open.

"Nina it's me, Y/n. Can I came in?"

"Yes." I went in and carefully close the door. I sit beside her. "Hey you ok?" I ask her.

"No. I miss him." She said. I hug her. "Don't be. He wouldn't want that, now will he." I said cheering her up. She wipe away the tears and look at me. "Thanks CP/n for being there for me."

"No problemo. And he also told me that he love you."

"I love him to." she said. I left her inside her room to get some rest as I headed in the living room. Every pasta was back to their normal routine. I saw Shadow alone in the kitchen eating. I went towards her.

"What wrong?" I ask her.

"Y/n I have to say good bye."

"Wh-y? Your leaving to?"

"Yes. I found out that someone was looking for me and said that they heard about the war happened here and wanted me to help them."

"Oh.. then go. If they needed you, you must go. Like how we needed you here. Help them. Your always free to go back here anytime. But always ask Offender if we are here. The Slender mansion is re-building and I guest when you go back here it will be finish."

"You think Slender will allowed me. I'm a creepypasta now?"

"Your not technically a creepypasta. Slender hasn't out the mark on you that means you are still allowed to go."

"Alright. Thanks Y/n." I hug her as I'm going to miss her. "I'm going to miss you Danny."

"Same here."

We celebrate before she leave. Slender teleport her to the airport after. Everyone thanks her for helping the whole creepypasta on the war. Slender also gave her the necklace if she ever wanted to go back here in a flash.

Before she go we all took a family photo. In the photo I saw Dark shadow in the corner next to Nina. I smiled and I ask to make it two pictures. One for us and one for here. To make her remember us. And we will always remember her.

She gave her last hug to everyone before going with Slender. I'm sad to let her go but happy that she can go on her own.

I walk to my room and layed down on my bed. I turned to face the picture of us and saw a note next to it. I grab it and read it.

Dear Y/n,
              Thanks for everything. I hope will see each their again soon. I saw Dark on the photo next to Nina. I was glad that he was happy even though he is now gone.

Your the only person who help me with my problem. The only person that didn't gave up to achieving something. I know that before I left I didn't gave you anything. I ask anyone that you seems close to and they were all blank.

So I thought asking Zalgo. He change actually. Even though his kingdom is all fine and I think still the same he seems more cool off. I guess the war is actually over. He told me that you love (insert you want as a gift).  

Anyway thanks and goodbye. Until next time friend.


                                                    - Shadow

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