(22) New pasta

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Your POV
After shopping we all agree to meet at a ally near the mall. I was the first one to get there since I don't buy a lot of stuff. I just bought clothes and a mask. I thought of Helen to design my new mask for me. I need it at my killing spree tonight for a important mission.
I waited at the side of the ally. Few people pass by me not noticing me which was great. I look around the town to see a Sweet shop. Which make me hungry. My stomach started to make that annoying sound which means I needed to eat something. Maybe it wouldn't hurt the others if I just buy a few treats. It's just across the road. What harm will happen?

I started crossing the road checking left and right before crossing. I headed inside the shop and people started to stare at me.

"Welcome to the Sweet Shop mam" said the guard. I smiled and started looking for anything I like. I headed at the gum sections which made my mouth to water. There are different kind of gums. I hurried off and took my favorite gum and headed at the other section. I found myself at the chocolate. 'This store have every sweet that a kid desire! Wonder where how many should I buy. I give the others to. Especially LJ, Sally and Lazari. They would love going here'

After buying I went out holding two plastic bag of sweets and on my other hand was the clothes and the mask. I walk across the road and headed to the ally to see everyone was there waiting for me. 'Guess I took longer than I thought'

"Hey guys!" I wave at them. They all look at me. I look behind me of someone was there but no one. "What?" I ask

"Where did you get all of those sweets!?" Toby ask pointing at the two bags I am holding

"Oh this. I just buy it on the other side of the road" I said

"You mean the car wash?" ask Masky

"No, the Sweet Shop of course" I said making me confuse. There is no car wash there. I look behind me to see not a Sweet Shop but a car wash.

"I swear guys. There is a Sweet Shop there earlier" I protest but it seems that they didn't believe a bit.

"Alright Y/n I think your just tired. Let's go back ok" Hoddie said placing his hand on my shoulder. I nod. Slenderman and Offendorman teleport us all back at the mansion. I quickly headed to the kitchen and drop a bag of 'candies' and headed back to my room. I drop my clothes on the bed while the mask on my study table. I place the other bag of 'candy' beside my bed.

'If there was no Sweet Shop there why can I buy this?' I look at the bag. 'Should I? No. It could be poisonous. Or maybe not.' I took a single chocolate and unwrap it. I examine it first. 'It smells good' then I lick it 'It taste good' them and touch it. 'It solid like it should be. Maybe I am not crazy at all' I took a bite and the taste filled my mouth. It's dilicousness is awesome! I took another bite enjoying the flavor. After taking a few more sweets on the bag I decided I should place my clothes on the closet than just leaving it on the bed.

I put them all on the closet and notice my mask. 'Oh yeah. I should ask Helen if he can design it for me' I took the mask and run out my room to Helen's room in cat speed. I knock three times and the door open revealing Helen holding a paint brush.

"Hello CP/n" he greeted

"Hi Helen. Sorry to bother you but can you help me with something. It's really important" I said. He nod and let me in. His room was wonderful. Different painting was place on the wall. His bed is dark blue with with large, soft pillows. He had a side table and a bathroom attach to his room.

"So what can I help you with?" he ask. I look at him to see him siting on the chair painting. I look at his painting to see surprise me. It was me!

"You like it?" he ask. "I was getting bored so I decided to draw you" he said. I look at his face only I notice he was not wearing his mask. He look handsome.

Survival of life with killers [CP x Neko! Female! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now