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As our breakfast table is getting cleaned up at the cafe, I feel my phone go off, and see I got a text.


Soyeonie: Hey! Guesss whatttt
Soyeonie: (Y/N)!

Me: Yes, Soyeon?

Soyeonie: I'm coming to Seoul in a few days! Just got the call from my boss saying I can take two weeks vacation time!

Me: Woah seriously! I'll tell Jungguk!

Soyeonie: Yes! I'm so excited!
Soyeonie: I should arrive in the airport in three days. I'll keep you updated!

Me: Please do!

I smile brightly as I look up at my twin brother who's sipping from his drink.
"Guess what." I say grinning.
"Hm?" He hums in response.
"Your girlfriend is coming to Seoul soon!" I wink.
As I say that he chokes on his drink. "She's not my girlfriend!"
"Yet" I say smirking.
"I've got my eye on someone already-" He responds, quieter.
I hear a slight cough from Taehyung, but ignore it.
Hoseok, who's sitting next to me, tilts his head. "Are you talking about your friend Soyeon?"
I nod. "Yeah! She got time off of work so she's gonna stay with me in the hotel for a few weeks!"
Yoongi looks at me while standing up. "Isn't the hotel fee expensive for staying for so long?"
I shake my head. "Nah my dance company is paying for the hotel."
Yoongi just hums in response, then jumps remembering something.
"Your gift!" He exclaims.
I go wide eyed. "Ah right! Well let's see the wonderful gift!"
He grins devilishly while handing me the box, and I open it.
"Yoongi." I say
"I'll give you a five second head start to run. Run like hell."
"Oh shi-"
"RUN YOONGI, RUN!" Jungkook exclaims.
And Yoongi takes off out of the cafe, me running right behind him.
"Three dolla!" He screams as he runs ahead of me.
"I'm going to kill you Min Yoongi!" I scream right back.

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now