☆ 42 ☆

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"Alright everyone it's showtime!"
I hear Namjoon yell excitedly.
"Miss (Y/N)." I hear a deep voice.
I turn around to see the tall and strong looking man standing behind me. My bodyguard Ken.(No not the idol.)
Ken is a super awesome guy. He may seem intimidating but he is very nice. Loves his family.
"Hi Ken!" I say with a smile. "Am I heading out now?"
He nods. "I'll bring you out. You're gonna be in front of the safety bars so you don't have to worry about fans."
I nod. "Thank you. With Gguk posting about me so much, I have seemed to rise up to popularity."
I then jump. "Oh I was wondering if I can grab a friend and bring her close to me."
"As long as she stays behind the safety bars. I technically can't have her up with you." He responds as we walk through the side doors and throughout the walkway where the staff is standing.
"(Y/N)! Can I get a picture with you?!"
"Me too!"
"You're so pretty!"
I hear girls yell and reach toward me.
Ken goes to stand in front of me but I walk towards the girls.
"Of course! Are you sure though? I'm not that cool haha." I respond walking up to the girls who seem to be slightly younger than Jungkook and I.
I grab one of the girls phone and take a selfie with us in it. The girls bow politely and thank me multiple times, then I continue to the center of the stage area.
As I reach the that's directly in the middle of the stage, I turn to say hi to fans and then look at my phone.

New Direct Message!
From: HobiBabi

I see you queen!

Omg where are you

A little bit further back, I couldn't make it to the very front

Worry not girlie, I'm known for breaking the rules.


And with her response I set my phone in my pocket and look at Ken, then flash a devilish smirk.
"You want to break the rules don't you?" He says with a chuckle.
I grin sweetly and nod. "Ken you know me so well."

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now