☆ 34 ☆

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"Finally I can sit!" I hear Yoongi exclaim as he throws himself on the couch in the dorm.
I laugh as I walk in and sit next to his head.
"You're so lazy Min Yoongi." I sigh.
He sits up, chuckling. "Lazy and proud, mind you."
"I'm still full of energy!" Hoseok says, sitting on the other side of me.
"You're always full of energy hyung." My brother says as he motions for Yoongi to scooch over so he can sit next to me.

"I'm making dinner now!" Jin exclaims, walking into the kitchen.
"Oh lemme help!" I say springing up.
"You can cook?" He asks.
I just nod, and we start to discuss what to make.
"All done!" I exclaim proudly as I wipe my hands off on the apron Jin gave to me.
"This looks amazing!" Jin exclaims.
"Guys! Come eat!" I yell into the other room.
"Let me guess-" Yoongi starts as he walks in. "You're gonna post this on Instagram?"
I nod. "Awe yoongs you know me so well!"

"Call me Yoongs again and I will stab you with a fork."

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Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now