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Long chapter sry

Hoseok's POV

The flight isn't that long. Only a couple of hours, yet (Y/N) is fast asleep on my shoulder.
She's very pretty, even when she sleeps.
Taehyung and Yoongi switched seats so Tae could be next to Jungkook. Now Yoongi is next to me, and he has his coat draped over her. I can tell that Yoongi really cares for (Y/N), but more as a brother than a lover. It's refreshing, seeing Yoongi care for someone so much.

(Y/N) kind of groans as she adjusts her body, leaning on me more. Yoongi is now passed out, but that's no surprise. Everyone else is just kinda of chatting and I myself am listening to music, with the occasional staring at (Y/N.)

She's just so beautiful.. this week is the week.
The week I will make her mine.


Your POV

"(Y/N), hey wake up."
A soft voice is being whispered into my ear. I open my eyes and notice that I'm leaning on Hoseok's shoulder.
"Oh hi.." I say with a soft smile. "We're here?" I ask as I lean up.
He nods and then gestures to Yoongi.
"Can you wake him up? He attempts to murder everyone else when they do, you're the only one who doesn't get death threats."
I laugh and nod, then shake Yoongi a little bit.
"Hey we're here~"
Yoongi opens his eyes slowly and nods with a pout. "Alright. I guess we don't need our jackets anymore since it's warmer here. Do you want me to take it back?" He asks as he gestures to my body.
It's only then I realized he put his coat over me as I slept.
I nod and laugh. "Oh yeah.. thank you haha."
He takes the coat and stands up to stretch and the others do the same.
"Eonnie did you seriously fall asleep?!" Ara asks with a laugh.
"You didn't?" I ask.
She shakes her head. "Nope I watched a movie with Jiminie and Soyeonie"
I respond with a hum as we get off of the plane. Once I step off I am immediately hit with the humidity.
"Wah! So hot!" I whine.
"Lets head to our apartment now." Jungkook says as he slings his arm around my shoulder.
I nod and look at the three black vans that are parked.
"I assume one is for the luggage?" Soyeon asks.
Namjoon responds with a 'yep' and we all start to load our luggage into one of the vans.


"Woah this place is beautiful!" I exclaim as I walk into the large apartment we've rented.
Jin nods "There's five rooms and ten of us. Two to each room?"
Namjoon nods. "The order was already taken care of by the managers."
He pulls out a slip of paper.

Room Arrangements. Do not switch.

Ara and Soyeon
(Y/N) and JK
Jin and Namjoon
Yoongi and Hoseok
Jimin and Taehyung

Everyone gave a satisfied hum after looking at the sheet, and we all start to bring our luggage into the room.

I start to unpack my clothes into the dressers and my bother does the same.
I decide to break the silence, saying "Are you even gonna sleep in here?"
He laugh a little as he responds. "Yeah. Taehyung will probably come in here though, if you don't mind."
"Wear protection and don't be too loud." I say with a teasing laugh.
"Yah!" Jungkook exclaims, caught off guard. "Don't say stuff like that!"
I giggle as I close my dresser drawer. "What? I didn't say anything."
Jungkook groans and he throws himself on our two beds which are side by side.
I laugh and throw myself on top of him.
"Get up! You can't be tired!"

"She's right~ we're going to just hang out in our pool for today."

Jungkook immediately perks up when he hears the voice of Taehyung entering the room.
I go wide eyed as I get off of my brother's back. "We have a pool in the apartment?"
"Overlooking the water, yep." Taehyung says with an excited smile.
"Well then let's get ready!" I exclaim.
"Yay~" Taehyung shouts as he leaves the room. "Get changed guys we're going in the pool!"

I laugh and shake my head as I look at my brother.
"You're in love with a crackhead... actually no. Both of you are crackheads so I guess it works out well."
Jungkook laughs as he grabs a bathing suit out of his drawer along with a T-shirt. "The whole group is definitely able to be labeled as crackheads."
I look at my brother and tilt my head in confusion. "A T-shirt?"
He looks at the shirt and nods. "We only wear them when we record and take pictures. We're not supposed to have them off for ARMY."
I nod understanding what he means as I grab a bathing suit, then we turn our backs to each other to change.
"This is gonna be a really fun week." I say as I get undressed.
I hear my brother's voice respond excitedly. "Even though we have to record like once a day, we still have a lot of free time on our hands."
"What are we doing today?" I ask.
"Doing photoshoots while it's still bright. When it gets darker we can all just hang out in the pool." My brother responds.
"Sounds good. You ready?"
"Yep. Let's go."

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now