☆ 54 ☆

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A/N: This is kinda a filler chapter so after a certain part there's gonna be a Taekook scene so if you're not a Taekook stan just Skip it (:
Please read the first part because there some info about the story Line picking up.

Jungkook's POV

"I try to get a bad picture of (Y/N) and I've declared that it's actually impossible." I say as I walk back into the living room where we're having a small meeting.
"She's too pretty.." Hoseok says smiling to himself.
"What's up with you hyung?" I start "I thought you were like anti-dating because you didn't want to get hurt. Also this is my sister we're talking about, please."
All I get as a response from Hoseok is a hum as he looks down at his twiddling fingers.
"The meeting guys." Yoongi says, looking very tired.
"It's just a little thing to go over for the surprise we have planned for (Y/N), Soyeon, and now Ara." Namjoon says.
"Wait Ara can come too?" Jimin asks.
Namjoon just nods.
Yoongi then speaks. "Namjoon and I were talking last night, and we called Bang PD. He gave us approval to bring Ara."
"But we have to tell Ara about the surprise so she can get time off of work if she needs to." Namjoon finishes. 
"Leave that to me." I say. "(Y/N) has Ara's number so I'll take it from her phone and give her a call tomorrow."
"Perfect." Jin says.
"We'll have everything set." Taehyung says with an excited smile (My bb bias uwuwuwu)

A/N: This is the Taekook part. If you're not a stan, please feel free to skip!

After we talked casually for a while we all decided to head to sleep. I went into my room to see my sister sprawled out on my bed.
"Get out of my bed you ass" I say shaking her.
All I get is a murmur and a middle finger being shown to me. She loves me.
I shuffle to the room of someone who will accept me.
"Hyung?" I ask knocking on the door.
"Ne? Give me a sec." is the answer I get before the door opens to reveal a shirtless Taehyung.
"What's wrong?" He asks looking at me.
"(Y/N) took my bed..." I say, trying to keep my eyes on his.
Taehyung chuckles a little. "She's just as stubborn as you. Come in." He steps to the side allowing me to come in.
Taehyung pulls the T-shirt that was on his bed over his head, and then sits on his bed and pats it, motioning for me to sit next to him.
I do so, sitting cross legged and facing him.
"You know-" Taehyung starts. "It's usually me asking to sleep with you. This is a nice change." He says, smiling.
I just nod. I'm not sure why but I'm hit with a wave of emotion. A thought which plagued my mind takes over.
"Hey-" Taehyung says placing his hand on mine.
"Hm?" I snap back to reality.
"Something on your mind?" He asks as he starts to play with my fingers.
"No nothing." I say as I move my fingers with his.
"I can tell you're lying." He says with a frown.
I sigh, and throw my back down on the bed. "I don't know honestly. Maybe I'm just tired."
"Okay I won't push it." Taehyung says as he looks down at me.
"Hey.." He then starts. "Wanna do a vlive? Maybe talking to ARMY will help you feel happier."
I lean up with a small smile on my face. "Yeah sure!"

Taehyung sets up his laptop at the end of his bed, and I sit right in front of it.
Taehyung is currently behind me, so he wraps his arms around my waist.
I feel his soft lips come in contact with the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
"Relax and smile, okay?" He says in a whisper as he grabs the wireless mouse and presses the live button.
As soon as he goes live he releases his hold around me and puts up two V signs, as he waits for fans to join.

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now