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"Where is she?" He asks sighing.
I message 'HobiBabi.' Telling her to raise both of her hands, doing a peace sign with only one so I know it's her.
I see two petite hands being raised, one forming a peace sign. I can't help but smile.
"There." I point to the pair of hands, letting Ken know where she is. He nods and slides the gate open a bit, another guard standing to make sure I'm okay.
People shuffle out of the way as Ken returns with the girl whom I assume is 'HobiBabi.'
She's short; maybe 5'1 at the most? Her hair is short and dyed orangey-red, her eyes are a light and soft brown. She looks very youthful. She's most likely a year younger than I am.
She gasps and yells my name when she sees me, darting into the area I'm in once she gets the ok from the security.
I hold out my arms as we embrace in a playful hug.
"It's so good to finally meet you oh my gosh." I say as we back out of the hug.
She grins and holds out her hand.
"I'm Li Ara. I'm Nineteen, I'm actually a dancer like you!"
I go wide eyed as I grab her hand. "Woah no way! We can dance together then! Also, I'm Jeon (Y/N) as you know. I'm a lot cooler than my brother and I'm at least fifteen times more attractive."
Ara bursts out into laughter, and I laugh along, proud of my joke.
Ara then looks down at my hands. "Where is your army bomb?!"
I chuckle a little bit and then gesture to Ken who's holding it. "I forgot I gave it to him. Sorry Ken!"
Ken just chuckles and hands me the light device.
"This is Ken-" I start. "He's my personal bodyguard. He got assigned to me once Gguk started posting about me."
Ara smiles a the man seemingly unfazed by his intimidating aura. "Hi!" She exclaims sweetly.
"Hello Ara, it's a pleasure." He says bowing.
She gasps. "Oh please! You don't need to be so formal! I'm nothing special!"
Ken is about to open his mouth to speak, but his voice is drowned out by the music of my brother's band projecting over the speakers of the auditorium.
Ara looks at me with pure joy in her eyes.
The boys come out and start to preform their music. Ara and I shout and wave around the army bombs as they do.
This is going to be a fun night!

It would be more difficult to actually tell a story with just posts but I wanna make you guys happy
Pls lemme know!

Ok bye

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now