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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Come on the dropper with us!" I turn around to see Taehyung waddling towards me, pulling a terrified Hoseok by his shirt sleeve.
"Tae, Hoseok looks terrified." I hear an oh so familiar voice as a hand is planted on my shoulder.
I turn towards my twin brother and grin. "You coming on the dropper?"
"Of course I am." He replies with his bunny-like smile.
Smol time skip
"Today was so fun!~" I exclaim as we walk out of the amusement park.
"Maybe for you! I was terrified." Jimin says as he turns around to talk to me.
"You even screamed for your mom Jimin-ssi!" Taehyung says giggling as he walks beside me.
Hoseok, who's on the other side of me, laughs. "It was super scary but it was pretty fun haha."
I let out a dramatic sigh and stop to hold my knees. "How far is the damn van?!" I ask.
"Aish. Come here you brat." Jungkook steps towards me and leans down. "Get on." He says.
I smile brightly. "You're such a great brother." I hop on his back and he continues to walk to the car.
"Wow the Jeon twins can be affectionate towards each other sometimes?" Yoongi says with a chuckle.
"Cute!" Jin exclaims
"Take a picture!" I say grinning

A/N:wow already almost 400 reads thank you!
If u want to pls check out my Taehyung FF. I put a lot of work into that one

The actual story line is gonna start to pick up now (;

Ok bye<3

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now