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(Y/N)'s POV

I flutter my eyes open, expecting the light to be emitted into my brother's room, but it's still dark.
I look at my phone to see it's three o'clock in the morning.
"Aish stupid body." I say to myself as I get out of my brother's bed. I decide to go into the kitchen and get myself some water.
As I'm walking down the hallway I see Taehyung's bedroom door is slightly open.
I decide to peep in to see if he's awake or not.
When I look in, I see Taehyung sleeping comfortably, on Jungkooks chest.
I smile and whisper to myself quietly. "Cute."
Then I close Taehyung's door and head into the kitchen.
I shuffle to the fridge and open in, taking out a bottle of water.
As I'm closing the door, I feel a hand being gently placed on my shoulder.
"Hey, I didn't want to scare you.." the familiar voice says.
I turn around and look up slightly to see a smiling Hoseok.
"Hi-" I say with a shy smile.
"Couldn't sleep?" He asks as the two of us shuffle over to the couch in the living room.
"My body thinks it's a good idea to wake me up at random-ass times." I say sighing.
"I feel that." He says with a nod.
There's silence for a second, before Hoseok pulls out his phone.
"Wanna watch some funny videos?" He asks with a cheeky smile.
I laugh and nod. "Yeah!"

After scrolling through videos for a while we just ended up watching BTS crack videos made by the fans. My god these people have some creative minds, I couldn't stop laughing.

After about an hour I got a ping on my phone.
"Soyeon posted saying she's headed to the airport.. aish that's so early." I say, showing Hoseok the post.
"I mean, we're up this early." Hoseok responds laughing.
I nod. "True haha"
Hoseok rests his arm on the back of the couch behind me, and moves slightly closer to me.
"We can take a nap if you want.." he says with a shy laugh.
I move my body closer to him and curl my knees to my chest as I lay my head on his chest. "Just a quick nap.." I say with a smile.
"Okay.. a quick nap." He responds as we both doze off.

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now