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"Be my girlfriend"
I go wide eyed when I first hear him, but then it clicks and I smile the happiest smile I think I've ever put on my face.
I lean in and kiss his lips softly, and we both smile into the kiss as we become more passionate.
I lean back and place my hand over his hand which is resting on my cheek.
"Yes, yes. A thousand times yes." I respond to him in which he replies with another kiss.

We spend a few more hours on the beach. We go for a walk and talk about dancing, then head back to the blanket to sit and cuddle, with the occasional kissing as we overlook the ocean.
It gets to around one in the morning, and I start yawning.
"How would you feel about going to sleep now, and waking up again at around five to watch the sunrise?" Hoseok asks as he looks at me.
I nod. "Sounds good~"
So we get up and walk over to the tents.
As we peer inside them, all of the tents have been taken up except one.
Ara and Soyeon crashed in one tent, and I was originally gonna sleep with them but those two have gone full on starfish. Taehyung and My brother are happily cuddling together with soft smiles on their faces, and Namjoon is curled up in a ball in his tent, sleeping contently with the sprawled out Jin, then lastly, Yoongi and Jimin in the fourth tent, sleeping with their backs to each other, and both in deep sleep, which leaves the fifth tent empty.
Hoseok looks at me. "I can always sleep outside if you want the tent to yoursel-" I cut him off by grabbing his arm and pulling him into the tent with me. "Not a chance."
Hoseok laughs and nods, then we both set up the two pillows that were placed in there earlier, and pull the warm blankets over our body as I cuddle close to him.
Hoseok faces me and wraps his arms around my waist, holding me close to his body, then kisses my head.
"Goodnight (Y/N)~"

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now