☆ 14 ☆

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I awoke to the sun shining though the blinds of the hotel's window panes, and turn to grab my phone.

New Message!


Gguk: (Y/N)

Gguk: Yo wake up

Gguk: We'll be there in thirty minutes.


Me: Just woke up. Have you left yet?

Gguk: Leaving now. We'll be there in ten. Get ready!

After reading my brother's text, I sprung out of my bed, not bothering to respond to him.
I brushed out my hair and put on some makeup, then threw on some cute clothes.
A quick Instagram post won't hurt. They're not here yet so I've got time.

Secretive Love// Hoseok/J-hope x Reader// BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now