Table of Contents
Part One: Memories of Past Lives
<1> Runaway Girl
<2> Yu-Jin's Memory of Past Life
<3> Woman of Joseon Dynasty
<4> Follow Father's Advice
<5> Yoon's Family Museum
<6> Life as a Fisherman's Wife
<7> Crisis and Remorse
<8> Return to Daily Routine
Part Two: Alien Syndrome
<9> Hidden Valley Club
<10> Curiosity about Outer Space
<11> Coffee Beans Business
<12> Korea UFO Research Society
<13> Open-Ended Discussion
<14> Let's Focus on Our Business
<15> UFO Appeared in Gyeryong CityPart Three: Soul Kidnapping
<16> My Soul Implanted into Gray's Body
<17> Solar System Base
<18> Toward Alien Planet
<19> Those Who Miss Dae-geun
<20> Super-Fast Growth of DK Food Co.
<21> Identity of the Gray Alien
<22> Penetrate the North Korean Markets
Part Four: Planet Merion
<23> Another Life-Friendly Planet
<24> Solar System History Museum
<25> Precarious Earth Civilization
<26> Visit Jetty's Hometown
<27> Village Community of the Planet Merion
<28> Daily Life of Planet People
<29> Community-Oriented Social System
<30> Move to Planet Defense Command
Part Five: Participate in Antimon War
<31> Combat Training Camp
<32> War Exercise
<33> Become Brigade Commander
<34> Advent of a Strange Stone
<35> Mystery of the Stone
<36> M-Globe Colonial Project
<37> Trigger of War<38> Declaration of War
Part Six: War Hero
<39> Attack from Antimon
<40> Guerrilla Warfare
<41> Antimon Surrendered
<42> Aftermath of War
<43> Miraculous Recovery
ParanormalAn alien planet resembling Earth is hidden in Orion, 40 light years away from the Solar System. The planet Merion unknown to mankind is home to aliens who developed cutting-edge civilization. Aliens on the planet have has long explored our Solar Sys...