One day in class, about two months ago, my teacher told us to get out a piece of paper and write down our three biggest fears
My biggest fears are my past, present, and future
After we were done, she told us to share them with our group
Everyone shared theres and waited for me to say my three biggest fears
"Mine are my past, present, and future"
I got many weird looks
"Why would you be scared of those?"
"That's dumb"
"You're fucking kidding me"
My past
They don't know about my past
My past is horrible
Self harm issues
Family problems
They don't know one damn thing about my past
Im afraid my past will come back and I'll deal with those problems but it'll be 10x worse
My present
My anxiety is getting worse
My depression is getting better
My self harm issues are almost gone
My family problems are still very bad, but I'm trying to push past them
They don't know what I'm going through right at that moment
I could be planning to kill myself right now and they wouldn't even know
My future
I'm so fucking scared for the future
I don't want to screw up in life
I don't want to screw up a relationship
I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm older
I don't know what to do
Everybody has their future planned out, I don't even know what I'm going to do
I'm not good at anything
If only that group knew why my three biggest fears was my past, present, and future