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Stephanie's picture above👆👆

Playlist:"Chun li by Nicki Minaj


It has been weeks since I had dinner with Zac King and my life went back to normal. But I strangely wanted to see him again. I know he said he'll be back and I have started to lose hope.

The only remainder of him was the jacket he gave to me and everyday before I go to school and I sniff the jacket taking in his musky masculine scent not that it was creepy at all. I missed him; I know it was pathetic to miss someone you barely know but I did. I know it was hopeless to think I'll see him again even though he offered to be friends.

Today I decided to wear the jacket with my yellow knee length gown and I hope no crazy fan would recognize his jacket.

I grab my keys and met Tina by the door.

"Hey"She smiles"Sleek jacket"

"Yeah"I enter into my convertible"Its Zac's remember"

"Oh"She mutters something like "creepy" under her breath and I slap her across her shoulder.

"Hey!"She exclaims.

The jacket was nice actually, it was a black biker jacket with skull symbol at the back. It was a leather jacket and I could tell it was really expensive.

As we walked through the halls, I received more attention than necessary. Students smiled and whispered among themselves, some who I've never talked to commented on my look. Why was everyone giving me attention. Or maybe I was just being paranoid.

I sigh in relief as I see Nick waving at us and we hurried towards his direction.

"Cool jacket"Was the first thing he said when we were close to him.

"Ugh"I groan.

Would everyone please stop noticing the jacket.

I wanted to yell.

"What did I say"Nick turns to Tina who shrugs.

We had almost reached our classes when Anna, a girl from art department walls up to me.

"Cool jacket"She smiles.

I merely nod and smile reluctantly.

"I looks familiar though"She tilts her head in thought"Like one in Zac's music video"

Oh my god! Was she for real.

"Yeah it is. I actually got in a music store where I saw it an auction"I lie quickly hoping she'll believe.

How could she recognize this jacket. I barely notice clothing when watching a music video.

"Oookay"She says reluctantly and went the opposite direction.

I heave a sigh as we enter our class. Mr Alex, our business administration lecturer came in and the only thing I could remember was him telling us about a project. I wasn't even paying attention.

Nick who sat beside me choose to pester me during the class. He tugged at my loose hair, stole my pen and did really immature things. Then he made a gun shape with his hands and pretend to shoot Mr Alex and I couldn't suppress my chuckle.

"Would you care to share what amused you Miss Pine"Mr Alex frowned,disappointment written all over his face.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something that's all"I lie feeling uneasy as the whole class turned to face me.

"I think you should push away unrelated thoughts and try to concentrate on what I'm teaching"

I sunk back into my seat thankful he didn't ask me any questions because then I'll be in trouble.

"What was that for?"I ask Nick as we made our way to our regular spot in the cafeteria with Tina already waiting for us.

"What?"He plays innocent with a small smirk playing across his face.

"You know fucking well what I'm talking about"I glare at him as we take a seat beside Tina.

"I just noticed your mind was drifting elsewhere so I thought I'll bring you back to the present"He replies nonchalantly as he toyed with his pasta.

"How nice of you"I reply sarcastically.

"Speaking of which"He ignores me and turn to Tina"I was planning on going to a club this night with the guys so I thought why don't I invite you guys along"

"That's awesome"Tina squealed in delight. She had been complaining all week on how she was really bored and just wanted to go out-anywhere.

"Yeah. The week has been really stressful and uneventful so I figured we should have some fun this weekend"Nick beams.

"Totally. But can I invite Todd too?"Tina asks.

"Sure. As long as you guys keep it below R-rating"

Tina scowls at him and then they turned simultaneously facing me waiting for my approval, like I was a senate president and the final decision rested on me. They knew I wasn't really an outdoor person and it takes a lot of persuasion for me to go out.

I shrug my shoulders"I guess we could go".

But the moment I stepped into the club, I instantly regretted my decision. Todd had agreed to come without hesitation and immediately we entered, Tina dragged him to the dance floor. That left I, Nick and some of his friends.

I felt sick as the putrid stench of alcohol and cigarette filled the air. From the corner of my eyes I saw two horny teemagers making out and I cringed. I really needed to have a drink.

"Hey, I'm just going over to the bar to have a drink"I tell Nick as I made my way to the bar.

"I'll catch up"He says.

After three shots and a couple of rejected dance requests my eyes searched dizzily for Tina. Maybe she and Todd were making out. Pretty much everyone here had a partner and I sat like a loner.

I had this eerie feeling which made my skin crawl and gave me goosebumps all over. It was like someone was watching me, intently might I add.

Oh I wish I never agreed to come.


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And guys.... How do i put this. I feel like I'm just having ghost readers which is really pathetic. I just really want a sign to know that at least someone is reading my book; it could be critism, encouragement, emoji or anything ......

I just really wanna know I'm reaching out to someone...

I love you guys even I don't really know you *chuckles nervously*



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