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Playlist:"Money by cardi b"

A/N:Hey guys I decided to add a Nick's pov so we could see things from his own perspective but this would be the only one.


The lights flicks on as I enter my penthouse after the extremely exhausting day I just had. I had dropped Quinn off and now I was beat but I strangely wasn't feeling in the mood of sleeping so I decide to take some beer.

I walk groggily towards the kitchen and my steps falter as I hear some shuffling from the kitchen. I become at alert as I walk slowly and carefully as possible to the kitchen. I had my fists clenched ready to fight the unlucky person that dare broke into my house and as I creep in close to the door frame I collide with a body that reeled backwards at impact.

"Mason!"My eyes widen as i rub my hands on my face.

"Chill man"He pushes himself up and rubs his back"Its just me"

Mason! Of course!

I had forgotten that Mason also has my house keys which was why he could enter my home unannounced like a jerk. I pull out a bottle of beer and place it on the untidy table; thanks to Mason.

"Where were you man?"He studies me as he pulls out a kitchen stool.

"I was at a party"I answer curtly closing my eyes for a brief moment.


"Did your date kick you out today?"I ask dryly as he narrows his eyes. I know the only reason Mason would come here at this time of the night was when he didn't have place to stick his dick into.

"No. I just wanted to visit my one and only best friend"

"Give me a break"I scoff and lean back against the counter.

We sit in silence as my mind drifted back to the incident at the party. I know I wasn't supposed to be this bothered about it but I was really pissed off seeing Nick try to kiss Quinn. That was no way to confess your feelings to a girl. When I saw him, all I wanted to do was to knock him out senseless.

I had no idea why. Could it be that I was jealous. Nah! I didn't even like Quinn but why was I feeling this way. Maybe I didn't just really like what Nick tried to do. I was so  confused and disoriented at my feelings right now. I needed to get my priorities straight.

"I had no clue you were going to shoot a new music video"Mason jolts me back to present.

"What?"I furrow my eyebrows.

"See, it says here that "Famous singer, Zac King plans to release a new music video using moorhouse college as inspiration"


I knew it was a matter of time until it became published. I wasn't really active on social media which was why I didn't see it until now.

"Oh that"I gulp the last cup of beer"It was just a stupid diversion to escape the fan mob at moorhouse college"

"What were you doing there anyway?"He eyes me suspiciously.

I shrug and he adds"Oh and the recent one is about that party you attended"Zac King gets into fight with college student"


Who was quick enough to get that on camera. That happened like barely an hour ago and it wasn't a fucking fight. Sometimes I underestimate the power of the media.

"Is this Quinn?"He shows me a picture of Quinn exactly when Nick and held her and was about to kiss her. That picture was going to haunt me for days.

"She's gorgeous but I prefer redheads. I can't believe you get to hang out with this chick and did not make a move"

I groan and he proceeds"How could you let this asshole touch your girl like that!"

"She's not MY girl"I reply, frustrated. Mason could be such a pest.

"Then why are you wasting your time on her? "

"Shut the fuck up Mason"I narrow my eyes leaving the kitchen. I needed to lie down.

"Bill is going to flip out about this"He calls after me.

Bill... Then I remebered I had to go to New York tomorrow. Mason was right, Bill was going to be really mad about this. But whatever, he'll fix it; He always does. Afterall he was my manager.



I wake up to a throbbing headache and empty stomach. The pain was so intense it felt like there was a train in my head honking.

Where was I?

I stare at the stark white ceiling for a moment before turning slowly and painfully to see the familiar wooden bedside table and desk.

I was home. But how did I get here??

The last thing I remember was being at Todd's party and then the rest was blank and hazy. I stand up despite the sharp pain in my legs. My whole body ached.

I felt like shit.

After having a quick shower and a change of clothes, I check my phone quickly and I see that the time was 12:00pm and I also saw plenty unread messages. I'll check that once I had breakfast -or lunch I guess.

How long was I out?

I groan as I walk to the living room. I shouldn't have drank that much alcohol. I met Owen, with a headset on his head and game pad. He looked so engrossed in what he was doing so I tap him.

"Oh Hi Nick"He smiles"You are finally up"

"Yeah"I give him a weak smile"Who brought me home yesterday?"


My heart warms up at the mention of her name and I walk into the kitchen to fix myself something to eat.

"I didn't know you were friends with Zac King"Owen says and I scoff.

Friends?!!!  I hated his guts.

I've loved Quinn for as long as I can remember and HE just had to come into the picture. Couldn't he just be somewhere else like a rehearsal dance class or something.

I've been a coward for a long time by not telling Quinn how I really feel but I also like the way things were between us. She was always fussing about how she would never date a guy so I guess that kind of held me back. I knew if I told her things would become weird between us. But with Zac in the picture I couldn't help but feel like I might lose her. Quinn was a tough girl and was not that type of girl to fall for a guy easily like other girls which was one of the numerous thing that attracted me to her.

Yesterday I finally made up my mind to tell her how I really feel but all she could think about was Zac. She didn't let me drive her to the party, while we were talking at the bar she wasn't even paying attention and when I was finally ready to open up, she went to look for Zac.

I was really enraged and jealous that I didn't know when I started drinking too much. Right now, I only hope I didn't do anything foolish at the party and there was only one way to find out. I have to talk to Quinn. Since we had afternoon lectures I could see her before it started.

Clearing my plates with new found determination, I grab my car keys and made for the door after muttering a good-bye to Owen.

This chapter is a bit short.

I hope you guys liked Nick's Pov. Please share your thoughts.

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I love you guys.



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