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Playlist:"Let me love you by Justin Beiber"


"I'll be here with you forever...."

"Shit"I mutter as Zac's song blared out of my phone. Who was calling me right now, this was the wrongest time. Now he'll never let me live this down. I wish I was anywhere but here. And of course it was Tina. She was asking me to come over.

"I can't right now Tee"I say on a final note to Tina"I'll call you later"

I grip my phone tightly and catch up with Zac who was way ahead of me. He doesn't say anything and for a moment I thought he didn't care that I used his song as my ringtone. I open my mouth to say something when all of a sudden, my phone was snatched from me and he made a run for it.

It took a moment to register what happened and I yell"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

He kept running and I do the same but I couldn't keep up his pace. This were the times I really wished I worked out more. I run with all my strength, panting as I try to  catch up with Zac. Adrenaline surged through my body and I push further even though my legs were giving out.

"Give it back you bully"

He suddenly stops at the small bridge directly under the lake and dangles my phone over the water.

"Zac!"My eyes widen I horror as I move towards him cautiously.

"You used my song as your ringtone am I right"He says appearing calm like he didn't just run a few minutes"But if i remember correctly, you said you didn't like my music"

"OMG you've gotta be kidding me"I place my hands over my hip"You're so fucking childish right now"

"This proves that you like my music, so why did you deny in the first place"He ignores my comment and proceeds.

"This is exactly why. What do you want me to do Zac?"I raise my hands up in exasperation"Admit that I love your music to boost your already massive ego?"

"Thanks"He flashes me a crooked smile and I snort.

"That's not a compliment. Besides why does it matter anyway. You probably have millions of people who like your song, why must I admit it"

"Because I want to hear it from you"He replies"You're so damn stubborn Quinn"

"Well in that case, how about never"I sneer"You ego-head"

"Then you can say bye bye to your precious phone"He dips it lower and I screech.

"You're bluffing"I eye him and he holds my gaze.

"Try me darling"He smirks.

"This is totally black mail"I move closer"Do you really want to throw my phone into the water, do you know how hard it was to take perfect selfies and reach a high score in Candy crush"

He shrugs and I clench my fists"Okay fine. I love your music so fucking much and I can't live without it"I flash him a forced smile and he winces.

"That sounded forced and sarcastic"He pulls up my phone and hands it over to me.

"You think!"I kiss my phone and he rolls his eyes"What do you expect after blackmailing me"

He chuckles and I move over to his side, resting on the railing. I sigh contentedly and watch as the lake changes colour to compliment the sunset. It looked so beautiful. This place was a really special place to me and It feels nice to share it with someone. I haven't been here in a long time and I haven't brought much people here either. It just feels right with Zac here.

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