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Playlist:"Dusk till Dawn by Zayn ft Sia.

I know I've used this song but I love it so much so I'm listening to it again.


The custom chilly air of New York welcomed me as I walk down the aircraft into the awaiting SUV. I slip in easily and Mason follows in suit as the driver closed the door and took his place behind the wheel. I honestly saw no reason why Mason was following me around like a clingy younger brother but he said he had some things to do in New York.

"How was your trip Zac"The middle aged driver glances at me briefly and I smile.

"It was great thank you Tom"Tom was my head of my security crew and over the years has moved from that to so much more; he was my friend, my elder brother and sometimes behaves like my father considering the fact that he was older than me.

"Is the end of your vacation or will you return back to Atlanta?"He inquires taking a sharp turn which had me moving to the left end of the car.

I pause for a minute before answering"Well i'm not really sure"

Right now, I didn't feel like returning back to Atlanta. I knew I hurt her by not seeing her in person to inform her of my departure but my feelings where in jeopardy and I needed to get my head straight and coming back to New York was the only way I could do that. As much as I hate to admit, entering New York made me veer back into my old serious and boring self who had a reputation to keep which wasn't the case in Atlanta.

Throughout the few weeks I was there I got to have fun and be myself and Quinn kinda grew on me but I realized I just made her life more complicated. I made the wrong impression to her boyfriend.

Hell! I feel the urge to punch something just thinking about it. I had no idea why.

I'd gotten her into awkward situations and speaking of awkward situations, I realized we approached my mansion and I had to face Bill.

Tom brings out our suitcases and I pad around the beautiful fountain in front of my mansion's huge doors. As I enter, I see Blaire; my personal secretary and Bill bound down the stairs.

Mason his usual flirty self closes the distance between them and hugs her"You look more beautiful than I remember"

She chuckles hitting him lightly on his chest"You were gone for less than a month Mason"

"Well it seemed longer than that"He continues his flirty banter and Blaire shifts her gaze towards me.

"Hey Zac"She smiles shyly"How was your trip?"

"Great"I reply smiling genuinely. Blaire was the most good natured girl I've ever met. When I first hired her she insisted on calling me 'sir' and was very shy and timid but she loosened up with time.

I felt another pair of eyes on me and walk towards him giving him a friendly hug and handshake.

"How are you Zac"Bill pats my back. Bill was in his mid forties and was Asian.He was a very nice and friendly man but strict and calculating when it comes to business.

"I'm fine"I head towards the stairs first and the others follow. Blaire began by telling me all my schedules beginning by an interview I was going to have in two hours time. Blaire helps me manage my social media accounts, schedule meetings and also helps me to pick out my outfit. I would never be able to keep up without her.

"Alright"I sigh turning to face her"Make the arrangements for the interview but right now I want to have two hours sleep no disturbance"

She nods and leaves while Bill remains studying me. It takes a while before he finally says.

"When you said you were going on a vacation I honestly thought you'll just have some time off and be out of the media's coverage"

"Yeah well I thought so too-"

Until I met Quinn.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was trying to explain to those impossible reporters and news agencies"

I heave a sigh"If it makes you feel any better, it was just an excuse to escape a fan mob"

"Well of course they won't understand that"He says exasperated"And you also got into a college fight"

This time I didn't want to even say a word more"I'm tired Bill and I'm having a serious jet lag. Please we can talk about this later"

"You have to be careful what you say or do because the press are fucking twisted"He reasons"Do you know there's now a tabloid about you saying that you enrolled yourself back in college. Do you have any idea how many calls i had to reject on account of your "new music video" and i was left here with no clue of what was going on"

My eyes widen as i shake my head. The media can be so fucking exhausting. I put a hand on his shoulders. I wasn't in the right state of mind to fix anything but hearing Bill explain it this really got me. I never thought it would have an effect like this Hell, my new album wasn't gonna be out till next year.

"Pls just do what you can to fix it Bill"I say on a final note. My hand slowly turn the door knob already anticipating the feel of the soft sheets against my tired skin only to be stopped dead on my tracks by an over pitched shrill.

Fuck!Why me!

"Hey Zac"She approaches me dressed in a very tight dress and shades, the light adding glow to her red hair"You didn't tell me you were going to Atlanta I would've kept you company"

I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. Why is all this happening to me, I just want to get a decent rest.

"I saw in the news that you got into a college fight I hope you aren't hurt"She drawls, concern etching along her face.

"What do you want?"I heave a sigh. I could not pretend i wanted her here when i really didn't. I wonder why she was doing all of this. I was being blatantly rude to her she kept coming back, something was up her sleeves; i know it.

"Well I just thought we could go out for lunch or something to catch up"She purses her lips.

"I can't"I reply"I'm really busy"

Suddenly Blaire comes into view and I beckon her. She looks from me to Stephanie and smiles. She knew about our failed relationship and the fact that I couldn't stand her presence.

"Blaire tell me again how busy I am"She smiles knowingly and began to list all my schedules including next day's own.

Stephanie widens her eyes shifting uneasily"Well next week then?"

"Don't count on it"I enter my room giving a thumbs up to Blaire and I hear Mason say.

"Let me take you to dinner, you know i'll always have time for you"

She answered with a snort stomped off.


I slump in my bed and fell asleep in seconds.


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