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Playlist:"Coulda woulda shoulda"By Celin Dion


I click the door shut to keep the tons of screaming fans intact. Immediately after the performance I dragged Zac away from the tons of fans trying to rush at him so only Todd, a bunch of his friends, Tina and I were in the spacious living room.

I was so happy Zac pulled it off and the look on Todd's face was priceless. Everyone in the house was shocked as well.

"Wow Zac"I say once I got close to him"Great performance"

"I'm glad you like it"He grins"Remember what I told you about you finally liking my songs"

If only he knew that I now have all his songs. Like I was literally singing along when he performed today.

"You still haven't forgotten that"I groan.


He moves over to Todd and his friends and Tina came to me. We had cut the birthday cake earlier and Tina was holding a piece. I grab it from her and gobbled it up.

"Do you know why I'm gonna let this go?"She asks.

"Because you love me"I flutter my eyelashes at her giving her a wide smile.

"No"She shakes her head"Because its my beau's birthday and also coz I love you"

I laugh hard to pat her at her back"Awnn.. I love you too"

"I'm so happy to see Todd this happy and knowing i'm responsible for it-well that makes two of us"She sighs.

"I agree"I had already given Todd his gift, Zac was talking and getting along with him and everything felt perfect. But i couldn't help but feel like i was missing something.

What was i missing...

Omg Nick! I was such a horrible friend. I forgot about him.

Realization hit me as I made for the door. How could I forget. I really thought he was in the living room with us. And he said he had something to tell me.

"Where are you going?"Tina says behind me.

"I'll be right back"

I look around for Nick and realize that the crowd had started dispersing . The ones left just made groups and were talking. I overhear some saying how great the party was and I smile.

Focus! I have to find Nick.

A-ha! I left him at the bar.

I rush there and see him still at the spot I left him, his head on the table. His shoulders were slumped and his breathing was ragged.

"Omg. Nick"I use all my strength to try lift him up but it was useless against his hard muscular body.

"Quinn... Quinn is that you"He struggles to lift his head up, his voice huskier than normal.

"Yeah"I reply with concern"We thought you were in the living room with us"

He sits upright but is still somewhat leaning and grabs my hand"Its good that you are now here.... Quinn....I just wanted to um.....tell you that.... I love you"

My brain shuts down for a minute and it took me a while to process what he just said.

"What!"I ask not because i didn't hear properly but because i didn't want to believe what I was hearing.

"Yes.... I love you"He repeats"Yes.. I do... I want to kiss you"His speech was slurry and then it hit me. I look at the table and saw five empty bottles of beer.

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