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I look around the penthouse, it was really big and well decorated and the best part was that it had a great view of the city. It was also surprising that his apartment wasn't a mess like guys apartment always was; dirty dishes in the sink or clothes littered on the floor, perhaps he had a cleaner or something.

"Great view isn't it?"He says behind me and my heart almost came out of my body.

"Yeah it is"

I turn around. He had changed into an ash coloured tee-shirt and track pants.

"Do you live here alone?"

"Sort of"He walks to the kitchen and I trail behind."I live here with my friend but he's not home all the time"

He drops the cookies on the kitchen table and scans through the contents of the fridge.

"Orange juice or beer?"

"Orange juice"I reply.

He brings out some orange juice and beer for himself and fills my glass. I take a sip watching as he opens the package and eats the cookies.

"This is so good"He says and i grin widely. He really likes it.

"Did you make these yourself?"


"Where did you learn how to bake?"

"My mom taught me. She's really good at it and she has all these delicious recipes"I smile as I remember how my mom and I would spend hours baking and trying different recipes. Those were the good old times.

"What is your mom like?"He glances at me.

"Hmm"I begin"My mom is a really nice, warm and caring woman. She loves cooking and gardening and she is really fun to talk to. She is very selfless and puts others before herself and she smiles a lot which is very contagious"

Well, till recently that is.

"She sounds like a wonderful woman. I would really love to meet her"He says sincerely.

"You'll be intrigued"

"How about your dad. I hope he's not an MMA fighter who could destroy me with one blow?"He pretends to look scared.

"No of course not"I laugh "My dad is Steven pine..." I figured I better tell him my dad's name because everyone knew my dad.

"You mean the Steven Pine. The award winning movie director?"His eyes widens in surprise.

"Yeah. That's him"

"But you are really humble you know"He says"I mean having someone as famous as Steven Pine for a dad and not bragging about it the first day we met"

"I guess I am"

"He's a really nice guy"He smiles.

Over the years, I got to deal with the fact that people only wanted to get closer to me because of my dad. And I was the least famous of the Pine family. I really didn't like talking about my Dad.

"Your sister is famous though"

"Yeah"My sister Emily was a successful model and was well known but we didn't really look alike. She had red hair and greenish eyes while I was brunette with hazel eyes.

I just like to lay low and not talk about my family.

"Now enough talk about me. Tell me about your parents."I walk over to the couch with the popcorn in my arms.


He plops down on the chair next to me and turned on the TV.

I knew about his famous parents but I just wanted to hear about them coming from him.

"Well my mom is a world famous singer I'm sure you already know that and she is sort of a perfectionist. She can be really tough and she never lets her guard down except with her family. I've gotta admit she scares me sometimes"He chuckles nervously.

"Really" She must be something if she scares him sometimes.

"How about your dad?"

He looks away but I catch a quick glimpse of hurt in his eyes. It was obvious he didn't like to talk about his dad.

"Its okay if you don't wanna talk about him"I put my hands in his arm and I felt him stiffen, muscle tense.

I wish I didn't bring it up.


"My dad is a very strict and no nonsense man. Rarely smiles except on very few occasions and is also a perfectionist just like my mom. He is the CEO of King corp and he is one of the top five successful business in New York"

"I expect you to be a heir you know like all powerful businessmen do to keep their business running"

"Yeah. Naturally being the only male child I was supposed to be the heir but that was not my passion. I couldn't imagine myself sitting hours in front of a laptop reading figures and passing it on to my son just like my father"

"So what did you do?"She asks.

"I rebelled. My dad tried to stop me from hanging out with my band, seized all my instruments bit he still couldn't get rid of the passion I had for music" I lean back as the memories came back.It was hell until my mom talked to him and he reluctantly let me have my way.  He even forced me to go to business school.

"He just had a change of mind along the way and I know deep down he's still not happy with my decision"

"I think the only thing that matters is that you are doing whatever makes you happy"

"Yeah"I concede"But I know I'll still have to do as he wishes one day"

I couldn't believe I just emptied my heart out to a person I had just started to know. It just felt right in a way and I felt relieved to let it all out.

We sit in silence as if making everything we just shared sink in.

"We still haven't decided on the movie yet" I laugh as I scan through the movies available. We finally decide on a mystery movie.

I wasn't concentrating on the movie, I kept glancing at Quinn. I loved the way her hazel eyes widen in surprise when something shocking happens and how she pouts with drooping eyes when something bad happens.

So far I did not regret offering to be her friend and I think she was starting to grow on me. I smile and switch my attention back to the TV.


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