
65 13 58

Playlist:"God's plan by Drake"


I add in a final dash of lipstick to my lips and take a last approving glance at the mirror. I was wearing a tight fitting crop top and faded jeans and my hair was pulled up in a ponytail - Ariana grande style.

I was waiting for Zac to come pick me up because we were going the party together. Tina had left earlier with Nick who was reluctant to go without me at first but I figured since they really can't stand each other; I'll rather go with Zac so that I'll fill him in in what he was going to do at the party.

Our plan was to give Todd the surprise of his life by having Zac perform one of his favourite songs on his birthday. He was going to be unaware that Zac had been in the party all along and it'd be like he just stopped by to honour his birthday.

I hear the sound of the doorbell and rush to door"Coming"

I open it to see Zac looking devilishly handsome as always in a casual outfit and a faced cap. The scent of his cologne was mind shattering and his after shave tickled my nostrils.

"Hi"He drawls, bold green eyes raking over my body and I blush feeling a bit flushed under his scrutiny"You look stunning"

I blush wildly. He really had a way with words that leaves my heart racing and brain in chaos.

"You look handsome as well"I step out and lock the door.

"Well then let's get going"

We walk outside to his Ferrari and I slipped in and we were off. The ride was silent in a soothing way and then as we neared Todd's house I told him our plan.

"So you want me to remain hidden until its time for me to perform? "He purses his lips.

"Exactly"I reply"We want it to be a last minute surprise"

"I'll try"

He tips his cap over his face so it covers his face  but noone would notice since they'll be too busy partying. We were greeted at the door by Tina and Nick as we entered inside. The house was big and beautiful and it looked like the whole college were here. Music was blaring at the highest volume and students were everywhere holding red party cups, drinking and dancing.

Time to paarttaay!!!

We push our way through the crowd followed closely by Tina and Nick to the kitchen were we took our drinks. Zac takes his drink in one gulp.

"Where's Todd? "I ask once I had finished my drink.

"He's talking to some of his friends over there"She points in their direction.

I would just see him later then and give him his gift.

"I gotta hand it to him"Zac rubs his chin"This is a great party "

His eyes flickers to some extremely shapely girls talking and giggling in a high pitched voice. My stomach twists into a knot as I felt a twinge of an unfamiliar sensation.

"You shouldn't flirt with girls while you are here"I snap immediately.

"Why not?"He lifts his eyebrow with an amused expression.

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