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Playlist:"Cold water by Justin Bieber"


I scream my lungs out as we begin falling. The wind was moving violently against my face and my skin felt like it was peeling off.

"Spread your arms out Quinn"I barely hear Zac against the wind in my ear.

I do exactly as he orders and feel more balanced. I look down and it looks as if we were going die a painful death due to the way we were falling.

Dad, I'm really sorry. I wish I could be closer to you just like before. Mom I love you and Emily even if-

"Don't look down"Zac interrupts my last wishes and laughs.

I gulp and let myself relax. I spread my hands out further. I eventually become more relaxed as the wind howled in my ear.

This was not so bad afterall.

I laugh and yell"Whoo hoo"

I wasn't going to die afterall.

Zac chuckles"I told you it was fun"

We have been falling for some minutes and we were quickly reaching the ground. Zac reaches out to me and pulls out to the parachute. We eventually straighten and I had my back pressed against Zac's muscular frame as we slowly came to a halt.

My heart was still racing and pounding in my chest as Zac breathes"I knew you'll enjoy it"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't"I reply"I actually thought we were going to die at first but it was really fun"

We slowly came to the ground with thud and I collapse on the grass with a wide smile on my face. Zac undoes the straps and buckles as he lifts me to a sitting position. My world was spinning all around me so I remain seated as I regain my balance.

I just sky-dived. I just sky-dived!

Way to go me!!!

The rumble of a nearby vehicle snaps me out of my thoughts and I stand up as I dust my pants. We drive back to the center and Zac and the instructor were discussing as I stood nearby.

I feel all the contents of my stomach rise up to my throat and my hand flew to my mouth. I was going to puke.

"I think I'm going to throw up"I say as Zac quickly rushes to my side.

"Shit! Quinn hang on"He holds my arm.

"The toilet is this way"The instructor points in the opposite direction.

I approach the door of the bathroom and raise a hand signalling him to wait. I got on my knees and throw up all the contents of my stomach. I gurgle water in my mouth and clean up.

"I had no idea you were such a lightweight"Zac mocks as we slip into the car.

"Hey! I just fell 17ft from a helicopter so don't you dare mock me"I roll my eyes"Don't tell me you didn't throw up on your first time"

"As a matter fact i didn't"He smirks.

"Well not everyone is born a natural"I stick my tongue out.

Immediately we reach home, I slip into the shower and refresh myself. We end up ordering Chinese takeout and I ate fairly well to replenish my lost strength.

We decide to call it a night because I honestly wanted to crash on my bed and I guess Zac had the same idea.

I stand in the doorway of my room and before entering, I call his attention.

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