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Playlist"Sorry by Justin Beiber"


"Tee, I've done something really bad"I tell Tina urgently and she opens the door wide providing room to enter.

"How would you rate it on a scale of 1-10?"
She questions me like I'm some kind of injured patient.

"10"I reply and she gasps.

"Come in"She orders.

I pad across the living room and into her room which was a mess. She invited me over to help her pack and she had made a huge mess of it if you ask me. Her room was scattered with clothes and empty shoe boxes were littered on the floor. I look around to see two big suitcases nearly full and heaps of clothes on the bed.

"Are you seriously taking all these clothes?"I glance at her and she sighs heavily.

"I can't decide what clothes to take that's why I need you. I feel like going along with all of them coz I can't choose between them"She drops on the bed.

I follow her suit"How those Todd keep up with all this"I gesture to the mess she made.
She grins widely"That's because he loves me"

I groan and mumble"This is going to be a long day"

We get to work immediately and I start off by making her choose between clothes which was harder than I expected and leaving the ones which were not needed. Then we begin to fold the remaining clothes neatly into the suitcase.

She tosses a pair of leggings"Now tell me what you did?"

I sigh and place the neatly folded trousers into the suitcase"Well Zac invited me over to his place at New york for the holidays and i kinda told him off"

She stares at me wide eyed"Why on earth would you do that Quinn? Last time I checked you had absolutely nowhere to go for the holidays"

"I really dont know. I guess i wasnt even really thinking straight and i declined before i could take it back"I answer in a low voice.

"I'm guessing he's really upset"

"Yea he is"I mumble.

"So have you tried talking to him since then?"She inquires.

My mind drifts back to the previous night. He was really upset and hurt and I know he must be really considering our friendship -or whatever it is we have. And I feel really bad.

"Well, I sent him a text but he didn't reply"I shrug in an exaggerated manner.

"You sent him a text!"Tina glares daggers at me and I reel back. She holds my shoulders and whispers"You don't send an upset guy a text. What are you? Five? You've gotta call him and talk to him"

I heave a long and heavy sigh"I don't know Tee.. "

"Do you want to still be friends with him or not?"She demands.

"I do-"

"Then call him"She says on a final note and I couldn't argue with that. She can be so bossy and persistent at times.

I decide to leave it for later and focus on the task at hand; but my mind kept replaying Zac's statement.

"It's nice to know what you think of me and our friendship"

My heart dropped at that statement and I had gut wrenching feeling. What if he realizes I'm not worth his time and he leaves? What if he terminates our friendship? What if he moves on?

I bite my lips hard at the thought and clear my head. I'll just have to find out. We finish arranging the suitcases and move them to the corner of the room.

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